Chapter 59: Ronnie Anne's Resurgence part 2

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Ronnie Anne threw Rita and Lori's body on a table in front of Alex who looks up at her.

Alex: You did it.

Ronnie Anne: Of course I did it. So can you let my family go?

Alex: How about we let Carlota go? We can't let go of your mother or auntie...your uncle and male cousins are dead...

Ronnie Anne looks at him and she starts to chuckle as she laughs and stares at him more menacingly.

Ronnie Anne: Then what was the point of me doing that mission if half my family is gone and you can't let my mother out!

Alex: Well she'll most likely kill us....and then break most of the base.

Ronnie Anne just sighs and looks down before looking at Alex again.

Ronnie Anne: Could I at least see my mother?

Alex nodded and he motions her to follow him so she did. As she did she notices lots of cells with mutants and monsters inside of them. Some looked out the cell and roars or tried to get to them. Some of them just looked down in their cell or didn't bother at all to stare at them. Once they got to her mom's cell he opened the door and head inside going through a few more reinforced doors. As they finally made it she saw her mom changed up. She was just looking down and she then looked up seeing Ronnie Anne and at first, she didn't believe it and she starts to smile while looking at her daughter. Ronnie Anne smiled and she looks at him.

Ronnie Anne: Can I go inside.

Alex nods and backs up.

Alex: Just don't let her out.

She nodded and the doors began to open and she walked inside and Maria looks at her.

Delilah then walked up to him with Michael with her. Alex smirked and turn but Delilah looked pissed and she held a collar.

Delilah: What the hell is this?

Alex: Uh... a collar?

Delilah: It's made to control xenomorphs and these mutants in here or Nulls as you call them.

Alex: What we are doing here is the way of the future. Your race and the predators or Yautja will help us out in the long run and-

Delilah: Mind control isn't the way to do that Alex. We aren't bad blood predators.

Michael: Mom. Don't you think that controlling these mindless beasts will help? It'll help us out and we will have a better chance of fighting the bad blood yautja and our own kind.

Delilah: Michael controlling them isn't the way. If you use that you're no better than none of those bad blood. We don't kill anyone like them and we don't mind control.

She grabbed the collar and she was about to break it as Michael tried to grab it but she jerked her body back.

Michael: Mom no!

She just snapped it in two and Micahel just stares at her and she looked at him.

Delilah: Do not make this again.

Michael: YOU...what have you done you-

Before he could continue she just looked at him staring him down and he piped down and she walked away.

Alex: Damnit....Guess we have to break through with her....maybe allow Ronnie Anne to talk to her to get her to work with us.

A soldier runs to Alex.

Soldier: Alex. Another base has been hit and two more just now went down. Another loud is there. It's Leni this time.

Alex: Fuck.....where's Sid? She could help Ronnie Anne.

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