~ Part 59 ~

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"No!" I roared as I banged on the barrier. I felt Colby trying to stop me but I wouldn't. My Lupa had broken free from its cage and it was pissed. I felt power surging through my veins as I pushed and pushed and pushed. I wasn't going anywhere. The barrier wasn't breaking. That didn't stop me. My hands were burning and my chest hurt. That didn't stop me either. Nothing would stop me. I was going to get Rachel out of there before Edward drained her no matter how much energy I had to use. A thought crossed my mind of when Edward staked me so long ago. I became more powerful than ever. I remembered what that power felt like, and I willed for it. I willed for Rachel. Next thing I knew, I felt the power overtaking me and my hands pushed into the barrier. It hadn't broken but it was bending. Edward stepped away from Rachel to look at me in complete shock as I kept on pushing. The Lupa let out a huge roar at the same time as the barrier started to glow. My burning hands stopped burning and the power inside of me died down. A second later, the barrier broke. It disappeared just like that, allowing me into the apartment. The first thing I did was run to Edward and throw my fist into his face. I'd caught him so off guard that it did it's purpose and he fell down to the ground. I growled, punching him a couple more times before I pulled out my stake and stabbed it straight into his chest. He gasped, grabbing at my hands to remove the stake but I only twisted it to make his pain worse. His skin began to turn grey beneath the stake until it crumbled away. I watched the ash pile form right in front of my eyes. I did it. I killed Edward... but at what cost?

*scene is slightly inspired by that one Teen Wolf scene 😬. It felt right to put here. Enjoy the rest of the story 😉*

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