~ Part 19 ~

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"Hi, I'm Tori." Tori said the moment she had the door open. Everyone looked at her and her cheeks flushed a tiny bit. Guess she didn't expect SO many people to be in here.

"Hi, I'm Katrina." Kat replied in the same tone with the exact same smile on her face. It reminded me of when I met all of them. Just a - somewhat - human girl walking into a room full of vampires. That ended... good, I guess. I mean, I'm not completely dead now am I? "This is Sam, Devyn, Tara, Kevin, Mike, Elton, and Colby."

"Right and then Vanessa, Jake and Corey came out to meet me." She gave me a smile as Aaron made his way to a seat. Her eyes flicked over the other four girls in the room, including me, and saw we were all on our boyfriend's laps. Of course, she wasn't exactly comfortable to do the same so she took my chair and placed it next to Aaron. She sat down quietly, everyone else breaking into conversation to make it less weird.

"She seems nice." I mumbled to Colby, brushing my fingers through my hair to occupy myself. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Yeah, smells it, too." Colby paused before saying. "Watch out for her, Aaron." Their eyes locked from across the room and he nodded gently, being careful to not let Tori see. She was quite focused on Katrina anyway since she was talking her ear off about this and that. I wasn't too interested. Colby was right about the scent, though. It was sweet and scarily, dangerously enticing. Dangerously for her, of course. I could feel myself trying to bite her. God, I needed to feed. Didn't Jade say she'd come over?

"You okay?" Tori asked innocently. She was frowning slightly and trying to figure something out from just my face. I held back the snarl deep in my throat.

"Yup." My voice cracked and I stood up quickly to remove myself from the room. It wouldn't be one hundred percent better but it would help. I rushed away upstairs letting out the growl I'd been holding back since she couldn't hear it. I grabbed my phone and gulped as I texted Jade. This is totally not okay and I'll need a blood bag if she's not up for another bite. My vampire side was compelling me to go back downstairs, very little holding me back. Only my Lupa side was fighting the vampire.

"You're hungry I'm guessing?" Colby asked quietly from the door of his bedroom. I hadn't even noticed that I'd wandered in here. I nodded and finally got a text back. She'd be five minutes.

"I just... Ugh." I hated myself in that moment. It's not me, it's the monster inside. But at the same time, that is kind of me.

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now