~ Part 6 ~

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I was surprised to be able to hear so many voices when I woke up. I could even hear the neighbours next door and definitely everyone downstairs in the garage. Colby was still lying next to me. I wasn't sure if he was awake or not, though. I stared up at the ceiling curiously, seeing for the first time the way the paint twisted. Damn, this vampire vision is... well it's amazing. Colby's arm loosened from around me and he rolled away. I turned my head to watch him reaching back for his phone. I simply sped to his closet, changed, and sped back to sit crosslegged next to him. He glanced at me and smiled, checking the time. Ten pm. Ugh. "Oh! They're awake!" Sam exclaimed from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and watched Colby change clothes as well.

"But will they come downstairs? That's the question." Corey said to everyone. Colby came back to me, his hands one the sides of my face as he quickly kissed me then pulled me up off of the bed.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Jake continued on. I rolled my eyes again and stamped my foot on the ground.

"Shut up, for god sake." I growled at them, Colby smirking. He wrapped his arms around my waist, his body pressed close to mine.

"We've angered it." Kevin laughed. I groaned and slipped away from Colby at vampire speed. I went downstairs to the garage, slapped Sam, Corey, Jake, and Kevin, then went back upstairs to grab my phone and check it.

"Uncalled for!" Katrina yelled. I heard it with my human-like hearing. I laughed and plopped back down onto Colby's bed.

"This is what I had to put up with whenever we were here." He told me, his head shaking. I smiled at him and leaned back onto my arms.

"They're a nuisance." That's when my mind flicked back to that conversation I heard last night. I sped downstairs, Colby right behind me. We were soon sat on the beanbag.

"Rude." Sam said with a smile. I ignored him and sat up straight.

"What's this about us moving?" I asked, my voice ringing of anger. I stared directly at Mike, who was still staring at the wall. I swear, he's so upset.

"We have to in case you're spotted." Colby replied instantly. I could feel his eyes on me.

"Why do we have to say I'm dead at all? My parents know that vampires exist or did I dream up those twenty years of my life?" I challenged all of them. My muscles were itching to fight something, my control trying to slip away from me. I needed blood otherwise one of the girls would get a good bite to the neck.

"They might come after us if they know we turned you." Sam told me. They had all turned to their game faces and were completely serious.

"And as we learned when we met you, you can tell when a vampire's near. They'll know you're a vampire." Colby finished for him. I stared at their faces, my thoughts going through possibilities.

"Well, the tattoo doesn't tell you how many vampires are around." Jade said from her seat in the corner. She was staring at the vampire in the room.

"So if I had a few vampires with me, then they might not be able to tell I'm a vampire!" I exclaimed excitedly. The guys exchanged a look between them.

"That doesn't change how they'd feel." Jake frowned at me like I was crazy, his head shaking.

"But it gives me a chance to ask them how they'd feel about me being one."

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now