~ Part 23 ~

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"So you've known this girl for how long?" I asked as I held on to Colby's hand. We had to walk at human speed to look normal to other people, many of which weren't even casting a glance at us.

"I KNEW her before I became a vampire." My eyes narrowed at him and I stopped, forcing him to look at me.

"And by 'knew' you mean...?" Colby rolled his eyes, motioning to the small house at the end of the semi-busy street. "You've slept with this girl, haven't you?"

"Once or twice, yes but I hated her because she was really annoying in my opinion." Colby's arms wrapped around my waist, his eyes pleading with me to listen to him. "I haven't even thought about her in years."

"Lets just get this over with." I broke away from his grip, hogging up the front steps to the wooden door and knocking. The sound of someone sleeping was ringing through my vampire ears. I knocked a few times, ignoring the smell of the woman inside bleeding, in a sense. A few moments later, footsteps approached. Colby was suddenly next to me.

"Who is it?" A sweet, tired voice called through the door. I glanced at Colby and he nodded.

"It's Colby." There was pause of awkwardness between us before the front door opened and there stood a girl with dyed light pink hair, grey eyes, and no makeup. She flicked her gaze between the two of us.

"Didn't expect to see you again after you got so angry." She gave Colby a judgmental look then put on her fakest smile to look at me. "Hi, I'm Lauren."

"I'm Vanessa." I shook her outstretched hand and gave her the same smile back. She seemed too girly and fake to me.

"And may I ask why you're... vampire." She stopped everything, staring into my eyes then flicking to look at Colby. She backed further into her house. "I'm not inviting you in." Her voice was laced with fear.

"How do you know what vampires are?" I asked her genuinely as I took a step back to make her feel more comfortable. She analysed the two of us.

"Since when, Colby?" She completely ignored my question, which only enraged me. I sighed and walked to the steps, sitting down with a huff.

"It's been a while." He shrugged and looked back at me. "I need you to give me your brother's number."

"Why?" Her face turned more confused than frightened and she turned to walk away.

"Because I need to speak to him." After a few moments, Lauren was back at her front door with her phone in her hand. She threw it over the threshold, Colby easily catching it.

"And what would that be about?" She crossed her arms as she watched him type the number into his phone then throw it back to her. She fumbled to catch it but did eventually and stood up straight like nothing had happened.

"Don't be nosey." Colby pulled me up by my shoulders, taking my hand and pulling me down to the path that led back to the street. "Thanks, Bye." He flashed his fangs playfully and winked.

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now