~ Part 37 ~

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A few minutes later, she was lying in bed - drowning in covers - and trying to sleep. I'd stayed on the foot of the bed, as she'd requested to watch over her so that nothing happened. She sounded peaceful and tortured all at the same time. My heart practically broke watching her sleep. She was too young to be so beaten up by someone like fucking Edward. Prick. "I'll get her eventually, don't worry Colby. You won't have to put up with her for too long." I naturally growled and sped out of the room, all the way down the stairs, and to the garage. I pulled him out of Kevin, Corey, and Elton's grip and threw him against the ground as hard as I could.

"Why the fuck are you trying to kill her?" I growled, almost roared, at him. He let out a laugh, slowly sitting himself up on his knees. I could feel everyone else staring at me, speechless and unsure of what to do.

"Business." Edward shrugged casually, which only angered me more. I slammed his head against a wall and held it there.

"Elaborate." I snarled out. I'd never felt so unbelievably angry. He'd attack some poor girl?! He's supposed to be good.

"One of my clients wanted her dead so I'm doing that for him." My hand tightened on his hair. "Her age has nothing to do with it. Neither does anything else."

"You sound like you're some rich boy's pet." Kevin mocked as he went to his normal place on the floor beside the couch.

"Call it what you want. I get paid and that's all that matters." I slammed his head again before throwing him across the room. He hit the other wall with a slight crash and groaned, going to charge at me. Of course, Colby was soon holding him easily against the wall.

"You'd kill a young woman for money?" Colby's voice was deep and full of power that just made me feel something inside. That never fails to show up at the worst times.

"Yes. Humans mean nothing to me." His eyes flicked to Devyn, who was dangerously close to him and he licked his lips. Her heartbeat immediately increased, Corey coming to her side and moving her away.

"Why did you care for me then? Or at least enough to warn me about William and Evelyn." I slowly approached him. His eyes trailed up and down my body and a smirk covered his face once again.

"Look at yourself in a mirror, hun. That fight was supposed to kill Colby and I was supposed to save you. But of course, you had to be a little sacrifice because you just have to be a hero for everyone else." The tension in the room shot up a few notches. His eyes were locked on mine. So much so that I felt uncomfortable.

"You're sick." My voice was faint as I turned away from him and went towards the garage door. "Get rid of him. Don't kill him, just get him out of here." Then I sped back up to the sleeping Rachel.

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now