~ Part 10 ~

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Colby was gone when I woke up. In fact, it sounded like the whole house was gone. I couldn't hear any voices at all, not from the guys, not from the dogs. The only thing that caught me off guard was the scent of the girls in the house. They left fucking human girls with ME? The one who can't control herself yet?! I frowned and sat up in bed, looking around the empty room. Sure enough, there wasn't even the sense of a vampire being near. I got out of bed and changed clothes while listening to Kat's humming next door. She sounds like she'd be a good singer. There was also now the sound of Devyn texting on her phone and Tara giggling to YouTube. So the guys left them too. But the worst part is that I'm here... just then, my senses picked up someone coming to the house. And I didn't recognise their scent or the feeling they gave me. I sped downstairs and opened the front door. There, on the drive, was Edward. I felt like I hadn't seen him in ages even though I'd only been a vampire for about a day. "Vanessa." He said with a huge smile on his face. His eyes trailed over my outfit, something that would have gotten his neck snapped if Colby was here.

"Edward..." I said slowly and kept frowning. God, today doesn't seem like the best day. "What are you doing here?" I asked confidently. I straightened my back and broadened my shoulders to show I meant business. Even if I somewhat trusted him, I didn't know what he was like at all. He could turn any moment.

"Well, I came to visit. Honest." He kept up his friendly smile as he came towards the steps. "I wanted to know if you had survived or not." Once more, his eyes flicked over me. "I guess you did. Although, I can only hear three heartbeats and I don't smell your blood so that begs the question..." he came at me very suddenly. My vampire side kicked into gear fast and I grabbed the hands he'd stretched towards me, twisted his arms around his back, and slammed him against the wall while growling at him. "Yes, vampire." He spun around, grabbing my arms and slamming me against the wall so hard I could have sworn I heard it crack.

"Let go." I snapped, trying to push him back. He had hundreds of years on me and there was no way I could ever get him to back off alone. "Is that all you came for?"

"Tell me, is your boyfriend around?" Edward asked, looking around. He smirked and leaned in close to me, so much so that our noses were touching. I was wriggling to get free but to no avail.

"Edward, I'm serious." I warned. Once again he ignored me and leaned in a bit more. "If you do not get the hell away from me then I'll knock you into next week."

"Funny-" before he could finish, we both sensed the vampires coming, and quickly. My stomach had butterflies. Colby.

"Get away from me!" I yelled at him, trying to push him back. Not even a moment later, Colby appeared and threw him across the driveway with ease, coming to my side.

"Are you okay?" He asked, looking me up and down with his hands on my hips. I nodded, smiling as Edward stabilised himself and growled. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Colby growled right back, instantly angry. I looked at everyone else, also in defensive stances.

"I carry news. Would you like to hear it?"

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