~ Part 15 ~

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The moment we arrived, it was like we were on a mission to separate aisles. I went to get Aaron's ingredient whilst Kat and Devyn went to get some chocolate and Tara went for chips. I walked down the aisle and looked for some good onions, ones that looked the best they possibly good, anyways. I didn't even think about how other people were around me, I was focused on helping my friend. I picked up an onion right as I heard a voice from right next to me. "Vanessa!" My head whipped to see my mother. Her face was excited and relieved all at once. She rushed to my side, wrapping her arms around me. "Oh my god, we haven't heard from you since the fight! We weren't sure if you made it and you weren't home and-" she stopped and stared at me then sighed. "I'm glad you're alive."

"Thanks, mom. Me too." I smiled at her and picked up another onion, just in case. She watched me carefully, somewhat of a frown on her face. Her eyes were trailing up and down my body.

"Something's different about you." She said quietly as she grabbed my shoulders so that I would look at her directly. She squinted her eyes while looking into mine and gasped, backing up. "You're a... you're..." she couldn't quite get the words out.

"Listen, I can't talk about it but yes, I am, okay? Please please don't tell dad. He'll try to kill Colby and I really don't want that. They're both too important to me." I pleaded my mother with my eyes, staring into her soul. The corner of her lips twisted upwards.

"You're stronger now. And faster." She said. "I won't say a word but you must tell him. And certainly talk to him! We've been worried sick." I let out a chuckle and nodded at her. My eyes flicked to Tara, who was stood at the end of the aisle looking warily at the woman in front of me.

"I should really go now, mom. My friend's waiting." I nodded my head to Tara but my mom didn't look. She was still staring at me.

"You haven't changed." She mumbled more to herself. I frowned and reached down to grab her hand.

"Of course not, mom. Vampirism doesn't change your personality." I gave her a gentle smile then let go and stepped back from her. She stayed frozen in place. "I really have to go, I'm sorry. Tell dad I'll call him soon." I walked away from my own mother to get to Tara, who was now with Devyn as well. "Sorry about that. Where's Kat?" I noticed the chocolate in Devyns hands but no Kat with her.

"She went to the restroom. She'll be with us in a minute." Devyn shrugged so the three of us began to make our way to the cash registers.

"Who was that?" Tara asked as she skipped beside me. "Have you got a secret sister or something because she looks strangely similar to you." I smiled and shook my head, placing the items on the side.

"She's my mother. Who just figured out I'm..." I paused, glancing at the clerk behind the counter who was pretending not to listen. I cleared my throat and pulled some cash out of my purse. "Yeah, so I had to make sure she didn't tell anyone." Devyn was waving at someone in the distance but I didn't pay much attention, just paid for the stuff and started to walk out of the store.

"Striking resemblance." Tara admitted with a little smile on her face. "In a good way, of course. Your mother is just as beautiful as you are." I sent a smile right back at Tara then we were in the car.

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now