~ Part 34 ~

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I turned off the engine of my car just outside the mansion. I could hear everyone's voices inside, including Colby's. It'd been a few days/nights and it all seemed too calm to be right. We hadn't heard from anyone, as if we were the only people in the entire world or something. Even LA seemed to be quiet. I got out of my car, speeding up the steps and to the door of the garage. That's when I smelt Tori and stopped dead where I was.

"Who's that?" She asked calmly as I reached out to open the door more like a human. There was a pause from inside and I could feel the awkward tension from here.

"Probably just Ness." Katrina replied casually. I pushed open the door and looked around the room as if I had no idea who'd be here. Tori gave me a suspicious look, flicking her gaze between me and the garage doors, then smiled at me.

"Oh, hi. I had no idea everyone would be here." I said as I shut the door and walked over to Colby, sitting on his lap as usual. His arms wrapped around me and I leaned against him.

"Nice to see you again." Tori said with a gentle smile still on her face. She looked back up at Aaron and everything went to how it usually was: individual conversations.

"It's been years in this place, I kinda feel like leaving like you did." Corey said honestly as he looked at me.  I hadn't been at the house without Corey being there and couldn't help but think about how weird it'd be.

"Then do it. Look for somewhere." I shrugged "I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of places you could move to, right?"

"There's some." Corey paused. "But I don't know... this house still has its charm, I guess. And Devyn and I have been through so much here it'd make no sense to move out now." I looked at Devyn, who was watching her boyfriend and smiling. They're such a cute couple no matter what anyone says.

"I guess I understand that." I got up from Colby's lap to leave the room, smiling at everyone politely. My feet carried me upstairs to Colby's room. It was mostly empty of my stuff already, only a few random things left around. I knew Colby would miss not having me there with him all the time but it's not like it was a good idea to do that anyway. We literally have forever together so there's no point in drifting apart by being together too much too quickly. I was broken out of my reverie when I heard a voice...

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