~ Part 40 ~

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Ring. Ring. Ring. Buzz. Buzz. I groaned at the sound of my phone downstairs. It looked like it had just gotten dark outside since the sun was still setting a little bit. Colby was asleep next to me, as far as I could tell, so I quietly got out of bed and sped downstairs to grab my phone. One missed call and two messages from Katrina. It took a few moments to realise why she was texting me. I quickly replied to her. Rachel had been fine all day, staying in her room but eating the food brought to her and drinking. I sighed in relief then sped back upstairs to get ready to go over. I'd need to be with her for as long as possible before she had to go back to bed, which would be when the garage fun would start, hopefully. I wore a pair of jeans and a loose, basic t-shirt. When I got back to my bedroom, I noticed Colby stirring. I carefully crept up next to him, placing a kiss on his lips and turning to leave. "Where are you going?" His stern voice caused me to spin quickly. He was already sat up, looking nothing like he had when he was lying down. Damn vampire speed and damn vampire hearing, too.

"Your house." I said as I slowly backed up towards the stairs. He stared at me for a moment then flopped backwards and pulled the covers over himself.

"I'll be there when it's darker outside." A wide smile covered my face as I sped down the stairs and got into my car immediately. That boy really knows me. The evening air was weird to me, completely different to the night time, which I'd been used to most of my life. I used to do a lot of shuffling around with my sleep to be awake during school time and nighttime. I was soon pulling up outside the mansion, checking out which lights were on and which weren't. Sam's was on and it looked like Corey's too. I could hear the voices of Sam, Kat, and Devyn. I jogged up the steps and opened the front door, with a key of course.

"Hey, Ness." Sam appeared in front of me with a friendly smile as I shut and locked the door behind me. I sent the smile right back, glancing up the stairs. "Don't worry, she's completely fine. Been in that room all day, though."

"She's in a house of strangers, of course she's hidden herself away from you all." I replied casually, beginning to jog up the stairs with Sam close behind me. Every door was shut in the hallway except for Sam's, which contained Katrina and Devyn talking quietly. I gave them a wave before I knocked on Rachel's door.

"Come in!" Her small voice sent shivers down my spine for some reason. What is this weird pull? I like it and I also don't. I want to protect her but at the same time, I don't want her to impose on my or my friend's lives... god, that's selfish isn't it? I stepped over the threshold into Colby's room to see the girl reading some sort of big book, sitting cross-legged on the bed and looking like a real high schooler. "Hi, Vanessa." She gave me a sweet smile as I shut the door behind myself.

"Hey, Rachel. How's everything?" She glanced between me and the door then put the book down and patted the bed in front of her. I quickly sat there.

"It's weird." She paused before saying, "Why does everyone sleep during the day? And I swear I've only seen the girls eat anything. Sometimes I hear these like... growls almost." I bit my lip nervously. Do I tell her the truth now or do I just lie to her? Lying would be easier but what do I say? I was silent for too long: she knew I knew something. "Please, I want to know."

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now