~ Part 43 ~

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I could have sworn I couldn't remember going home. I could feel myself waking up but I had no idea where I was, especially as I could hear some voices in the room AND I recognised them as my friends'. Sam, Corey, Kevin, and Mike. There was also a pair of arms wrapped around me and my head was resting on someone's arm. There was a heartbeat in the room mixed with the smell of human blood. Though, it didn't make me want to attack: it made me want to protect. Rachel. So where the hell am I? "I think sleeping beauty is waking up." A voice teased. It was Corey's and sounded very joyful. All of a sudden, a huge breeze swept past me and there were three new heartbeats in the room. As well as a dozen more vampires.

"What about the beast?" Jake asked. He sounded like he was trying not to laugh and was definitely smiling. A few little chuckles rattled the room.

"You're all dead as soon as I can be bothered to move." I said quietly, my voice sounding tired but nonetheless menacing.

"Your fault for falling asleep all cuddled up with Colby down here." Corey laughed out loud, lighting up a fire inside me. I sped so fast from my place, gently removed Devyn from his lap, then threw him against the wall. He quickly fixed himself onto his feet and playfully growled so I did the same back.

"And that woke up the beast." Mike was staring at the beanbag I'd left, which had a Colby still lying peacefully but clearly awake on it. He quickly disappeared from the room and I followed, ending up in his room.

"Sorry." I smiled at my boyfriend who threw a shirt at me followed by some pants. He glanced over at me, our eyes meeting for a split second, and looked back at the closet. I could have sworn I could see a smile.

"It's fine." He sighed and stepped back, coming towards me. "We both fell asleep anyways." I looked up into his eyes completely mesmerised for a minute.

"Not a good idea." He shook his head with a laugh. After a quick shower (separately, you nasties) and super-speed changing, we were back in the garage with everyone else again. Rachel was trying not to smile and the others were openly smirking. There was something going on that I wanted to know about. Before I could ask, Jake held up his phone.

"Have fun cuddling." My mouth dropped open at the photo on his phone of Colby and I lying asleep on the beanbag.

"Son of a bitch! Delete that right now." I ordered angrily. Jake just shook his head with a laugh and motioned around the room.

"Everyone has it." I groaned loudly, falling back onto the beanbag and covering my face. "Good luck deleting it from EVERYONE's phones." My wolf side tried to escape but I had to quickly contain it. My eyes met Colby's and saw the look. He could sense it happening before I stopped it. Shit, where'd that come from?

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now