~ Part 31 ~

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"I have a disease." I started. "And there's no cure for it known to man." Jade was giving me side glances every few seconds. She was confused and so was my mother, I could sense it. "It's lethal and very painful when it gets to that point."

"When did you find out?" My father interrupted me, taking a step forward. I just backed up and continued.

"About a week ago, it's why I was silent for a while." My mother realised what I was doing and bit her lip anxiously. "It... it's already too far along to do anything at all about it, not even pain meds would stop the agony." I made sure to make it sound as bad as possible. My father's face had never been so sympathetic in my whole life.

"There's nothing that can be done?" He asked quietly, sounding frightened and scared.

"Well... just one thing. And it'd take away all of the pain, not to mention the lethal threat." My father frowned at my contradicting statement then spoke again.

"Why haven't you done it? Is it expensive? Because we'll pay for it no problem. We'll find the money." I just shook my head and gave him a little smile.

"I'd be your natural enemy." Finally, he caught on and backed up a few steps. His brain was clearly conflicted and his hands were shaking.

"You mean... the only way to save yourself from agony and death would be to become a vampire?" His voice was faint and almost scared sounding. My mother was watching carefully, as was Jade. "Do it."

"What?" My mother blurted out so fast that she had to cover her mouth. He glanced at her then nodded.

"You're too young to die, Ness. Do it." I sucked in a breath and knew I should be crying. His head tilted to the side and his face suddenly changed. "You already have, haven't you?" All I could do was nod.

"I almost bled out because of the old vampires. Colby made the choice in the end to turn me." I admitted to him. His face turned to rage and the worst part was, I couldn't figure out what he was angry at. Was it Colby? Me? The clan?

"I knew we should have staked those last two vampires when we arrived at that clearing." He growled out angrily. I frowned. Since when was he at the clearing?

"Colby got your hunter clan to come and fight with us but we all left as soon as we heard you were basically dead." Corey explained quickly from the shadows.

"We left it to them to finish off the last vampires but they decided to force William and Evelyn to run instead." Kevin added for me. Of course Colby would make an alliance. All of that to protect me.

"Why did you let them run?" I asked quickly as my mother placed her hands on my father's shoulders to calm him down.

"They're old vampires; typically not a threat to people, they just protect those who ask them to and feed peacefully on them." My mother explained for me. God, why didn't I know that? These problems, other than the fact that I was the one to kill old John, start and end with Edward.

"The vampire that Ness killed originally tried to feed on her, though." Jade said with a massive frown on her face. My parents shrugged at the same time.

"Guess he was an outcast then."

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now