~ Part 16 ~

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We arrived back at the mansion to find that Aaron's car was missing. I swear to god if he hasn't cooked that damn meal and left me to do it... Kat seemed to notice it as well as she said: "Looks like we'll be cooking dinner for Aaron and his new girlfriend."

"No shit." I grumbled angrily as we got out of the car. I analysed the driveway to see it was cleaner than usual. Even in the dark, it looked like someone had hosed it down. Anyways, I jogged up the front steps and opened the front door. It was dead silent inside, except for the quiet talking of the guys in the garage. Everyone was having mostly silent conversations except for Aaron. Because he's not fucking here!

"Trouble's arrived!" Jake announced like an excited kid. I rolled my eyes and placed the plastic bag on the kitchen island. A second later, Colby was by my side, his hands reaching out for me. I turned to him, kissing his lips for a few seconds.

"Good trip?" He asked as he scanned his eyes over the girls. His voice had purposely dropped a few decibels so that at least they wouldn't hear us talking.

"Sure. Ran into my mother." All went silent. Especially in the garage. The girls were just going through the bag to find their items so that they could snack on them. Colby's brows furrowed.

"Did she know?" He asked worriedly. He was biting his lip ever so slightly and staring intensely at me. I felt trapped under his gaze.

"Yeah. My eyes, remember? Even when I'm completely human, they're a little blue around the edges." Colby cursed under his breath and leaned his elbows on the countertop. I pulled the onions out of the bag and grabbed a knife to chop them up for Aaron.

"He says he's sorry and that he'll pay you back soon." Colby said quickly then paused for a moment. "What did your mom do?" I used my speed to chop the onions and start preparing the meal. God, incompetent boys don't know how to cook basic ass meals.

"She sort of said that it was good I'm stronger and faster now and she promised not to tell my dad until I tell him." I shrugged and was already stirring half of the meal in a pan. Colby was still watching me carefully, possibly taking mental notes, and processing what I was saying.

"So she didn't say anything about attacking us?" I shook my head and glanced at him, locking eyes. We stared at each other for a moment then Sam spoke from the garage.

"One less thing we have to worry about then." I just hummed quietly and pulled my phone out while I waited for the food to heat up. I texted Aaron and sighed stressfully. The other room erupted back into conversation whilst Colby slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and gently kissed my neck. It was sending chills down my spine. Very, very good chills.

"Your dad'll probably call. We haven't exactly told them you're even alive yet." Colby said against my skin. His lips moving just made me feel some type of way. I gulped and nodded, glancing at the food.

"I know. The last thing we need is for him to make a house visit, though. So let's hope calling is the least he'll do."

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now