~ Part 5 ~

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Colby and I soon abandoned the rest of the group. I was super tired and so was everyone else, though the girls had become more accustomed to my new way of life. They still hadn't recovered from the fright completely and I still hadn't gotten used to the whole smelling their blood thing. We laid in his bed together, cuddled close. My mind was still racing with so many thoughts, so many temptations and confusion. I'm a vampire now but I'm also still Lupa. Whether I'm still Strega I'll have to find out another time. But does the Lupa thing mean Colby can drink my blood still? Maybe it does. We should test that some time soon. After a while of just laying there without sleep, I snuck out of the bed and walked silently across the hall. Thanks to vampire hearing, I didn't need to change form to listen anymore. I just always could. "I can't believe she's okay with it." Sam said still in the garage.

"Yeah, I know. I thought she'd try to kill Colby or something but she's just adapted really quickly instead." Corey agreed. They all sounded quite happy, despite our recent loss. I'd have to speak with Cathy's parents about that. Once I have control, of course.

"I'm happy for her and Colby. They're clearly happy and it's forever now." Katrina said as she shuffled around. I could hear the sound. I was already stood outside the door, listening in silently. I was completely motionless, not even breathing.

"Insane for you to say that." Corey laughed a little. "We need to talk about how we're going to cover it up, though." Cover what up? Hold on, what haven't they told me? I can hear everything they can now so what did I miss?

"Well, there's the obvious. We have to tell her parents that she didn't make it." Kevin stated matter of factly. "That she lost too much blood and was too dead to be turned into a vampire, if they ask us about that only though." My mouth had dropped open.

"And the rest of the clan will believe the same thing." Elton finished for them. "What about her apartment? It's not like even she can go inside now."

"We tell the landlord that she died in an unfortunate accident and have her parents claim her stuff. If there's anything she wants, we can go and get it during the moving process." Aaron explained as if they'd thought of it all before. I was completely gobsmacked. None of them decided to tell me that we were going to be somehow skipping town. Not even Colby... ouch.

"What about Jade?" Mike asked. He still sounded sad, as you would. His girlfriend just died a horrid death.

"I don't know what we'll have to tell her." Sam kind of whispered. "Maybe just the truth but not where we're going. Just in case she tells someone."

"Maybe." Jake agreed. There was a long pause then Tara sighed.

"I can't believe all of this has happened. What do I tell my family?" She asked the group sadly. Another pause but this time it was longer and felt harsher.

"That you're moving away. Don't mention me, though." Jake replied causally. "Do you guys hear something?" At that moment, I realised I'd started breathing. I immediately stopped, staying dead still. There was no movement from inside.

"No?" Aaron questioned.

"I just thought I-" my foot gently tapped on the wall. Not wanting them to know I was listening, I sped up the stairs and lingered on the hallway.

"Who was just listening?" Elton's voice was getting closer as I sped back to Colby's room. I got straight back into bed with him and shut my eyes. Footsteps approached the door, silence following. A few moments later the vampire sped away again. I let out a quiet breath of relief and let myself settle. Guess we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.

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