~ Part 30 ~

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"And Colby couldn't come with us instead because...?" Corey asked me as we finally made it to the abandoned building. I gave him and Kevin a look before answering.

"Because he needs to talk to the rest of the clan." I replied casually and smiled at Jade, who was just stepping out of the huge building. She reached out to hug me sweetly.

"You mean you don't want him to keep protecting you?" Kevin questioned knowingly, sitting down on the sidewalk like a child. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my friend.

"I've checked everywhere inside: no hunters at all." She told me with a little smile on her face. I listened for heartbeats and smelled for blood but there was none, except for the smell coming from Jade.

"Thanks for coming here." She waved her hand in dismissal then looked over my shoulder at Corey and Kevin.

"Where're they gonna hide?" She asked as she glanced around the area we were in. I shrugged.

"Close enough for my dad to sense them and for it to be strong but not close enough that he can see them." I watched them stand up to look stronger and show off. Both of us rolled our eyes with a little laugh.

"And what're you gonna tell your dad?"

"That they're here to protect me, watch out for the old vampires just in case." Jade nodded in approval and sighed as she slumped against the old wall. "This is gonna be anxiety levels through the roof." I said honestly.

"Would he really stake you though?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, he wouldn't really stake his own daughter." Corey dismissed it with his hand but I raised an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms for a challenge. Both boys' eyes went wide with the realisation that he would indeed stake me.

"That's dark." Kevin mumbled, staring down at the ground, ashamed of himself. I suddenly smelt blood in the air and could hear two heartbeats. Kevin and Corey quickly dashed into the shadows and Jade stood up from the wall to be by my side. She squeezed my hand then let go completely. Within a short amount of time, my father and mother appeared in front of me. They were holding hands and semi-smiling. Of course, my mother just looked worried.

"Why can I sense vampires?" My father asked as he slowed down his walking pace. My mother flicked her gaze between me and Jade before I gave her a look.

"Some of my 'security detail' are with me." I replied casually and motioned to the darkness surrounding us. My father's eyes scanned over the blackness but he couldn't see like I could. Luckily, the dark of the night also meant he couldn't see the blue ring around my green iris.

"That's just brilliant." He grumbled angrily. My parents stopped a good few feet from me and their eyes focused on my face. "What is it we need to speak about?" Now how the hell do I tell him?

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now