~ Part 25 ~

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After about an hour of enjoying our time alone, not like what you're thinking, we were sat in the living room of the house with mugs of hot chocolate and a TV show playing in the background. It felt so... normal and what it'd be like if we weren't vampires. Finally, Colby turned to me. "What was it that you needed to talk about? Other than the whole private place thing." Oh, right. Tara. I sighed and turned completely to him, placing my mug on the coffee table.

"Tara really wanted to talk to me earlier." I started to explain, shuffling closer. "And she didn't want Jake to hear her asking me because he already said no." Colby's eyebrows furrowed together in a confused frown. "She wants to be like us. She wants vampirism and said the other girls do, too."

"What?" Colby asked immediately. He stared into my eyes in pure shock.

"Yeah, I know. She said she wants all of the perks and they feel left out when you guys are talking across rooms in the house." I shrugged and tucked my hair behind my ear. "I figured you'd have to approve of it since you're the boss?"

"I do." He paused and looked away from me in thought. His eyebrows hadn't moved from their furrowed expression. "And it's a big commitment for them all to make..."

"You changed me and you haven't even known me for a year yet." I challenged as I placed my hand on the side of his face.

"So you think they should turn?" I shrugged and sighed. "Do they want to turn for love or just desire to be a vampire?"

"I think both. They want to be with their boyfriends forever and they want the perks." I watched him trying to make his mind up in front of me. "Would you let them?" My voice sounded faint and submissive.

"I would but I wouldn't let you do it and I wouldn't do it myself. I think that the guys should have a say and if they say no, then no."

"But Tara really wants this. She was practically crying." I pushed on, conflicting with myself. I wasn't sure whether I wanted them to be vampires or not. They could still theoretically go back to a normal life: children and what not.

"Again, if the guys don't want them to be vampires then there's nothing I can do." He shrugged and leaned back from me. I noticed the blue trying to get smaller.

"Hungry?" I asked. He went to answer but shut his mouth and nodded. "Feed and then we'll go to bed because I'm feeling kind of tired and it's almost light outside." About ten minutes later, we were cuddled up under the sheets of the bed in the beautiful house that's now mine.

The Shifter // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now