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Brian and his friend, Roman Pearce, are led into a warehouse, before an Orbit Express Truck is backed inside.

"Brian O'Conner, Roman Pearce, meet Monica Fuentes and Skylar Hobbs," Markham introduces as the back of the truck is opened to reveal Skylar and Monica.

"Do they have background on Verone?" Monica asks as she and Skylar get out of the truck.

"They've been briefed," Bilkins answers.

"Good. All right, here's the deal. Verone's looking for drivers. I've arranged for both of you to join up. I've also hired some thugs. You know, to make it legit," Skylar explains to them.

"When do we start?" Roman asks, not taking his eyes off of Monica.

"Right now," She answers.

"What are we drivin'?" Brian asks before the covers on the two cars in the room are removed.

"Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Don't even think about takin' the convertible. It might loosen your mousse," Roman says as he throws his bag into the convertible.

"No, that's cool. That's too much chrome for me anyways," Brian tells before going to look at the other car.

"Damn! Where you all confiscate these rims from, man?" Roman asks no one in particular.

"Check in with us after you meet him," Bilkins orders Brian before walking over to Skylar, Monica, and Markham.

"You think you're gonna have any problems with these two knuckleheads?" Markham asks.

"I can handle 'em," Skylar answers him with a smirk.

"They give you any trouble at all, you let me know," Markham states.

"Thanks, Markham," Monica tells him.

"I'll ride with you, cowboy," Skylar says with a smirk as she walks over to Brian's car.

"Why she gotta ride with you?" Roman asks.

"You get the convertible and me," Monica answers him. "Let's go."

"Turn right here," Skylar tells Brian as he drives.

"You all right?" Brian asks her.

"You might wanna keep your eyes on the road, playboy," Skylar jokes with a smirk.

"What, you think we're gonna crash?" Brian asks as he stares at Skylar.

"Not likely but I haven't decided yet," Skylar answers him with a smirk as she stares back. Brian speeds up as they continue to stare at each other before coming to a stop at a light. Skylar lets out a laugh from the excitement of it.

"He did the "stare and drive" on you, didn't he?" Roman asks as he pulls up beside them. "He got that from me." Roman drives off before Skylar leans over and kisses Brian.

"I've missed being able to do that," Skylar says with a wink before Brian follows after Roman.

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