13; Hell at My Doorstep

Start from the beginning

He shuffled in the direction of Hazel who stepped next to me and placed her hand around my bicep making me look at the guy who was already looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him bluntly, my tone slightly irritated but I didn't bother to hide it.

The guy's posture froze a little before it slumped and he rolled his eyes at me mumbling a fuck off under his breath making my jaw set...what the hell was up his ass?

"You got a problem?" I asked him, already previously pissed at the way he smirked at Hazel.

How much shit does someone have to deal with at unearthly hours, for fuck sake.

"Justin," Hazel said quietly tugging on my arm and I ignored her letting my hand slip from her suitcase handle as I looked at the guy.

"Just chill man," The friend of the guy said and I scoffed glaring hard at Mr Sass Pants in the corner before the lift fell into an awkward silence for a few moments.

The ding of the doors opening was what broke it and the guy and his friend exited and I cursed under my breath taking Hazel's suitcase and wheeling it as she still held onto me.

"Did you have to do that?" Hazel asked me, and I could see in my peripheral vision that she was looking up at me as I looked ahead of myself.

"Yes," I said to her simply and she rolled her eyes a small smile playing on her face as I eventually looked at her after the wanker and his friend was out of sight.

I opened the glass door for her and gestured for her to go first which she thanked me quietly for, her hand slipping from my arm as I walked behind her seeing my driver Spencer already outside, ready to take her luggage.

"Spencer, Hazel...Hazel, Spencer," I introduced and she smiled politely at him chirping a hi to which he responded to as her eyes trailed over the black Bentley in front of us.

I thanked him as he took Hazel's suitcase from me and put it in the boot as Hazel continued to look over the car in the darkness.

I opened the door and waited for her to get in, but it looked like she was way too mesmerized with it to realise.

"At this rate, if you keep oogling we are going to miss our flight," I teased her and her head snapped up to me and even in the darkness of 3:40 in the morning I could see her cheeks heat up making me smirk lightly.

She hopped into the car and shuffled down to the right side before I got in, Spencer already proceeding to close the door for me.

Seconds later, his own door was opening and he slid into the driver's seat.

"To the airport Mr Bieber?" He asked me.

"Yes please," I said to him as I pulled my hip up slightly grabbing my phone out my pocket as the engine started.

Getting it out I saw about 5 emails on the front screen and I rolled my eyes before sweeping down the top tab and getting rid of them on my screen.

I checked the time seeing it was 3:47AM and relaxed knowing that even if we were late, we had the flexibility as we were having a private flight.

I locked it, placing it on my lap before looking over at Hazel who was frowning at her own.

I let my eyes trail down to her screen slyly and saw the name Trent at the top making me grimace lightly.

Why was she texting him?

"You know if you wanted to know who I was texting all you have to do is ask," Hazel said and I snapped my eyes up at her.

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