48; Back to Business

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"She wanted to apologise for what she had done all those years ago with my dad but I told her that it was too late,"

Hazel's POV:

"Baby..." Justin winced and I looked towards him, an awkward frown on his face as he looked down to his thigh where my hand was.

I followed his eyes, seeing my nails digging into his leg which made me apologise quickly before I settled my hands on my lap.

We were currently back at the hospital, in a totally different wing than before yet I still felt like there was a dark cloud looming above my head ready to strike me in the head with metaphorical lightening.

Not only did I hate hospitals to a new extreme, but I had a special place dedicated to the fear of blood tests.

...and right now, both of them seemed to be mocking me since I was sat waiting for my name to be called so a doctor could stab me in the arm to drain out liquid me and-

Now I feel faint.


"Babe you'll be fine," Justin said lightly from behind me since I had taken to fidgeting and wouldn't stop moving.

"I hate blood Justin," I mumbled in defeat, feeling my throat constrict with nerves as my mom walked out the room where she was called in.

The sleeve of her top was pulled up, a small cotton pad secured with a piece of medical tape staring at me right in the face as I swallowed the sudden anxiousness I felt.

I looked up to her and then back to the doctor behind her, his hands flicking through a clipboard of papers whilst I sat and chanted please don't say my name in my head over and over.

I was silently praying to all the gods I knew but it was apparent I had a place reserved in hell when the doctor called out my name.

I pretended I didn't hear, his voice calling my name out again as I looked back at Justin and appeared uninterested.

"Who's that?" I asked quietly, sinking down a little in my chair as I looked around and pretended to camouflage myself into the seat but Justin's voice picked up a few seconds after.

"What are you doing?" He asked me an amused smile and I looked at him.

"I'm wondering who Hazel Lopez is...it's not me," I told him quietly and he gave me a deadpan look, giving the doctor a subtle nod to let him know that he had called out my name at the same time he stood up.

"Up, c'mon," He coaxed, holding his hand out as I looked around at the other patients in the waiting room, my vision falling on a little boy who was perched on his moms lap playing with his toys.

"Who's Hazel Lopez?" I asked him innocently, shit scared down to the bone as I ignored the reality of me being called out for a blood test.

"Really babe?" He asked me with raised eyebrows and I nodded.

"My name is..." I paused looking back at the little boy playing, "Lego," I finished, "My name is Lego,"

"Well okay Lego Lopez, let's go," He said with a challenging smile and my innocent one faded into a look of fear as I reluctantly took his hand.

"Justin I don't want-"

"Baby, you'll be fine I promise," He mumbled into my ear as he walked behind me, the doctor holding the door open to his room with a smile on his face.

I returned with a weak one, feeling my knees turn to jelly when I saw the chair situated behind the small table where the needle was probably.

I felt a rush of nervous heat pass through me, the soles of my feet digging into the ground which made Justin stop behind me at the same time I heard the click of the door shut.

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