32; Mayhem in the Mansion

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"With what I have planned you won't need your clothes in the office,"

Hazel's POV:

"It's so sour, oh my god ew," I said, scrunching my face up at the grapefruit I had just put in my mouth. I shivered at the sharp yet sweetish flavour hearing Sienna and Tatiana laugh at me.

It was currently Sunday the 18th which meant that it was a week and one day since Justin had asked me to be his girlfriend...

The bet was meant to take place this week but it turned out that Justin had to fly to Dubai for three days on Tuesday for some work emergency so he had literally shifted it to starting tomorrow instead...I was excited yet nervous because well...who wouldn't be...it's Justin.

I had also started working for Bieber Enterprises this week as well, as predicted Cassandra had been a pain in the ass, cussing indirectly at me but I had kept my cool as promised to Justin.

Although I was this close to nearly chucking my heel at her when she tried to show me up but failed miserably when someone else told her to shut up...fucking skank.

"Put salt on it," Sienna said, shuffling her way over to the other side of her kitchen and grabbing the salt and passing it over to me as I puffed out a breath thinking about the week I had endured.

Working for Justin was actually easier than I thought...being finance manager had its perks because all I had to do was look over everything that my team did and revise over paperwork to check if they had made any mistakes before entering them into the system myself.

When I worked for Trent there was no sort of structure, it was all over the place compared to Bieber Enterprises which now thinking of it makes me wonder about how the hell they're so successful...who the hell would invest with them?

I rolled my eyes at the thought before I took a pinch of the salt Sienna had given me and sprinkled it over my grapefruit wedge before taking a hesitant look at her and Tatiana who were already eyeing me, "What?" I asked and they both shrugged going back to eating their own fruit as I took a bite.

I winced at the bitter taste that hit me straight in the face; my instinct to swear at both of them but my need to do that flew out the window as the bitterness was soon replaced with the enhanced sweet flavour of the fruit.

"Okay, now this is good," I mumbled as I put a hand over my mouth whilst talking.

"Told you," Sienna grinned and I rolled my eyes playfully before swallowing and speaking up.

"Did you and Theo find a house yet?" I asked Tatiana as she put her drink down.

"Kind of," She said with an unsure look and I smiled.

"What do you mean kind of?" I laughed, side glancing Sienna who took out a packet of strawberries from the fridge.

"We're stuck between two," She pouted slumping in the bar stool she was sitting in and puffing out a breath to move the hair that fell over her face.

"Do you have pictures?" I asked her and she shook her head before gasping.

"You guys can come help me pick!" She said with a grin on her face and I checked the time seeing it just go past six in the evening...

We had time.

"What time are the guys coming back?" Sienna asked as she ate a strawberry before passing the container over to us, my hand immediately coming up and taking one.

"I have no idea; they went..." I trailed off before realisation hit me, "...I actually don't know where they went..." I mumbled as I took a bite out of the juicy fruit.

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