#139 Isco

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You looked at yourself in the mirror, tears in your eyes, wondering how someone could ever love you.

You told yourself you were too big, too curvy, too ugly for someone to ever love you.

"Love? Where are you?" your boyfriend calls.

"Here..." you reply lowly, still unhappy with yourself.

"Darling, why are you in here? the movies still on," Isco says, you dont respond to him.

"Babe, why are you crying?" he asks.

You wipe away your tears. "Why are you with me, babe? I'm fat and ugly, you deserve better, someone who's slim, like those Victoria Secret models, I dont deserve you baby."

Isco slips his hands around your curves, hooking them in front as his chin rests on your shoulder.

"Babe, who is filling this nonsense in your brain? I love you, I'm the one who doesnt deserve an amazing girl like you, you're perfect."

"No, I'm not!" you cried. "I'm disgusting!"

Isco kisses your cheek. "Look at you, you're gorgeous babe, I love your curves, look at your eyes, I could get lost in them for days, look at your lips, always pulling me in for more."

"Your body is so unique and beautiful, I love you and every curve and edge of your body, because you're perfect to me. Your personality is so perfect, you're just so amazing, the way you make me smile and the way you make me laugh, and the way you support me and make me happy, god you're perfect my love."

Tou turn on your heel and kiss Isco's lips "I love you, sooo much, thank you,"

"I love you more baby."

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys.

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