#71 Jamie Vardy

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"Motherfucker," you hear Jamie scream at the TV. You and your boyfriend are sitting on the couch in the living room.

He is watching a basketball game while you are reading a book.

"Seriously?" He screams and throws his bag of Doritos at the TV.

He curls up in ball huffs cutely.

You pinch his cheek, "Aaw is little, Jamie mwad" you say.

"Stoop" he whines.

You get out your phone and take a quick picture and sent into Jamie's friend knowing he would send it to the rest of his teammates.

Jamie's phone dings, you race to reach  and get it on the coffee table, but he beats you to it.

He eyes you weirdly, and then looks at his phone. His eyes go wide and he looks at you.

You are trying to hide your smile, but fails miserably. "Y/n" he starts "You.Are.Done"

You jump off the couch and run into yours and Jamie's room and hide behind a bunch of clothes in the closet.

You hear footsteps coming into the room, and then in the closet.

You suck in a breath and girl back farther in the lump of clothes.

"Im gonna find you are Y/N" he whispers. He walks closer to where you are hiding and you see his shadow passing by.

You let out a 'phew but you let it out too soon.

"Found you" he whispers in your ear while his arms sneak around your waist.

You squeak and jump at him scared.

He nuzzles his head in the crook of her neck and leaves soft feathery kisses on your shoulder.

"Jamie" you whine and moan at the same time making a weird noise.

Jamie snorts into you, you both laughed at your stupidity.

"You're such an idiot" you said.

"No, I'm you're idiot babe" he said cutely making you blush.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 🤩😜😘

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