#85 Gabriel Jesus

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I don't want to do anything besides lay in bed and eat all the junk food in the kitchen. I did not want to talk to people, I did not want to go out, and I did not want to do any kind of physical movement that could possibly trigger the worst abdominal pains.

"Ugh, someone stab me to end it all, please!" I groaned and rolled over to my other side for the hundredth time.

"Baby?" It was Gabriel, who was downstairs watching his recorded game. He must've heard me whining and groaning pain.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm amazing, the feeling of being punched in my ovaries and satans waterfall just coming out, is great" I sarcastically replied to my confused boyfriend.

"That does not sound, amazing and babe?" Gabriel sat next to me on the bed, "You could have told me, I could have ran to the stores to get you things and cuddle with you a long time ago".

"I didn't wanna bother you, beside im a very moody person that could either gill your entire faces with kisses or kick your face instead"

"Wow...thanks for the heads up," He chuckled. " I'm still gonna run to the stores and get you some stuff, I'll be back in a bit" Gabriel got up from our shared bed, putting on his shoes that were by the bedroom door.

"Gab, you don't have to, you're watching your game, you need to relax after all the work you've done"

"I want to, you're my baby and you'll always be my main priority" Gabriel walked towards my side of the bed.
"And right now, satans waterfalls decided to visit you and make you feel like crap" He kissed my forehead.

"I'll be back soon, love"

While Gabriel was out, I stayed in bed occupying myself by watching 13 reasons why.

"Hannah, nooo" I cried at the character on the TV screen.

I kept watching the show for a couple more minutes, still getting hyped with it after watching it many times. I heard the front door opening, knowing it was Gabriel already back from the store.

He wasn't kidding when he said, he'd be back in a flash..

"Baby, I'm back!'' Gabriel yelled from downstairs.

The sound of his footsteps were getting louder as he got close to out bedroom, along with the sound of a plastic back ruffling with the things he decided to buy.

"Hey hun" He smiled, walking over to me and settling in bed beside me.

"Hey babe" I smiled back, fully paying attention to him.

"I brought you some goodies" Gabriel dumped the various thing he had bought on the bed.

"Here's some candy and chocolate, erm...pain killers, I don't know it you take them for this kind of stuff, but I bought em anyway" He shrugged.

"A teddy bear, the fluffiest one for my baby" Gabriel picked up the small brown teddy bear and gave it to me, it was so cute.

"You're so adorable, babe, thank you" I leaned in to peck his cheek.

"Erm  I also brought you some lads and tampon things just in case, the shelves were full of them, i had no idea which ones to buy, so I just bought the most beautiful ones and ones that had nice colours on them"

"Of course you would, its a good thing I dont mind these pads"

"Thank god" He sighed in relief. ''I also brought your favourite ice cream"

"You're literally the most amazing person ever"

"I know" He laughed, "Now I can cuddle with you, I'm free to whatever your heart desires"

"Gab, you've done a lot already and you should be enjoying your time off"

"I am, I'm enjoying it with my babe in bed while we snack on food and watch TV" He kisses my forehead.

"What about your game?"

"It can wait, right now I want to spend time with you, and more than ever since you've in pain"

"Aww, you're gonna make me cry"

"Aww love, don't im sorry" He chuckled.

"It's just you're too sweet to me"

Gabriel pulled me close to his chest, playing with my hair as I snuggled closer to the warmth and smell of his cologne.

"I'd do anything for you princess, you deserve everything and more".

"You deserve more than me, sorry I can't give you much" I mumbled.

"You being with me is more than enough, you make me the happiest man in the universe"

Gabriel lifted my face to look at him and kissed me.

"Now lets eat the ice cream before it melts"

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😘🤩😍

Footballer ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora