#90 Ruben Dias

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For CarolinaG14

My breath hitches as the wind moves the curtains and I have free sight out the window. The old oak tree looks suddenly like a scary monster, ready to attack us. I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to steady my breathing.

The room is quiet besides our breathing and I can hear the heavy raindrops falling against the window pane, creating all sort of patterns while rolling down.

Another gust of wind makes the curtains go crazy and I sink further down into the covers and Ruben's side. We're both laying on our backs buy Ruben's totally unaffected by the on going storm.

He always was a heavy sleeper. I'm already awake for a good 15 minutes now and am probably squeezing Ruben's hand to death. He doesn't notice, though.

"Ruben" I mumble and turn to lie in my side, shaking his shoulder lightly. No reaction.

A bright flash lights up our bedroom, followed by a roar of thunder. I clamp my hands over my ears and snuggle closer into Ruben's side. "Ruben" I try again and cling onto his bicep.

The lightening gets more frequent and the thunder gets louder and louder. I can see the lamp on the ceiling shaking and I'm able to feel the house shaking as well.

"Ruben please" I say a little bit louder. "Wake up" I almost whine and in responce and I get a groan.

The next roar of thunder gives me the rest and I jolt up in bed. I let out a choked whimper as I feel tears welling up in my eyes. "Please i whisper and tears are rolling down my cheeks.

As the next flash lights up the room again and I let out another whimper, two strong arms wrap around my trembling body.

"Ruben" I cry as I turn to look at him through my watery eyes. He gives me a sympathetic smile as he pulls me against his chest.

"Hey, hey, hey I'm here baby" He mumbles, my hair muffling his voice.

I nod against his chest and my tears cease a little bit. Ruben rocks the both of us slowly from side to side and whispers  soothing words in my ear. As another thunder is heard, I jump in his arms.

"Shhh, love its okay"

He lowers our bodies onto the mattress, both of us lying on our sides, facing each other. Ruben's right hands resting under his head, functioning as pillow. Our faces are inches apart and a lazy smile spreads across Ruben's face. His free hand is pulling the duvet over our bodies again.

"I'm ridiculous" I jut out my bottom lip and furrow my eyebrows.

"You're beautiful baby" He replies and kisses my forehead afterwards.

I blush and hide my face in the crook of his neck. He lets out a chuckle and his hand finds its way to the top of my head, running through my hair.

I press a small kiss to his neck, just under his ear and pull my head back to look at the angle in front of me. I put my hand on his cheek and my fingertips run up and down, feeling his soft skin.

"I'm afraid of thunderstorm, if that's not ridiculous I don't know what is" I argue.

"No baby" he said calmly.

He leans his closer and just before our lips touch, he lives his lips up to my nose. He kisses the tip of my nose and I let out a content sigh. My eyelids flutter close and he places a soft and delicate kiss on each of my eyelids.

He moves to my cheek and goes lower towards my lips, leaving sweet kisses all the way. He kisses the corner of my mouth, teasing me even more. Finally our lips tocuh and move in sync for a few seconds.

"Love you" he whispers and pulls away, " go to sleep, honey" He demands and his left hand moves to rest on my waist, pulling me closer to him, my face hidden in his neck. "Storms over love" he assures me and I can feel his lips in my hair.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys

Footballer ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora