#67 David Beckham

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Sometimes you were sad.

Sometimes it seemed as though everything was going wrong in your life and it was time like these that made you doubt yourself and everything that you were doing, your look, you schedule, not enough make up, too much work...no sleep.

You tiredly stumbled into your house and decided that, for once, you weren't going to work-- you forbade yourself to think about it too.

So you just plopped down into the couch and absent mindedly watched the moving images flicker across the screen you didn't know what was on.

Even when David came home and asked if you wanted anything to eat or drink while he was unpacking the food you guys had ordered online, you just slowly shook you head 'no giving him a small, tired smile and politely declined.

It had him worried, but you shrugged it off, saying you were just very tired from the lack of sleep your gotten in the past couple of weeks due to exams, excluding what happened with one of your friends and their friends and how disgustingly they were behaving. You quickly tried to push those thought to the side.

"Y/N?" you heard David call from the kitchen, "Would you at least like some tea? or coffee, juice...ehm...yeah or anything else" he chuckled.

"No i'm good, thank you"

Maybe he could tell by the sound of your voice that something was wrong, because a few seconds later, he was there hovering over you with a worried expression on his face.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, sitting down next to you, and closely examining your face that was till turned towards the TV you paid no attention.

"No, nothing" you said quietly, "just tired, I think I'll take a shower and go straight to bed"

He didn't seem to believe you, though. He only pityfully watched you get up while slightly nodding.
You didn't seem to want to talk, so he respected that. He thought that sleep might help, too and that tomorrow you'll be alright again. He hoped so anyways.

But, he missed you, you weren't there with him after he'd taken your place on the couch and he knew that something was bothering you

After about half an hour, he opened the door to your bedroom, he didn't want to be one of those people who pretend they don't know what's going on- he didn't want to leave you alone.

He didn't want to leave you on your own won't your problems and sufferings. He wanted to be there to help you out.

"What are you doing?" he asked, seeing you sat on the edge of the bed with your phone in one hand.

"Just setting an alarm for tomorrow" you replied casually.

"Oh" he said, and made his way towards the closet where he took some clothes from, and changed for bed.

"You're already going to bed?" you asked, surprised because it was only 8:40 and David never went to bed this early.

"I want to spend time with you" he told you "even when it means just lying in bed, holding you close to me, it's more than enough" his bottom lip was slightly puckered when you turned your head his way, moved by his sweet words. You couldn't help but smile at how amazing he was.

He held you tightly, your back pressed to his chest as he gently kissed your shoulder. "You know I love you, right?" he whispered into your hair.

"Because I do, so much and if there's anything I can do for you, I'd it in a heartbeat, I swear, anything babe"

"Somethings troubling you, I can tell. But it's not just today, you've been so distant lately, daydreaming as if your head was constantly somewhere else and working until midnight with barely and sleep at all because you'd get up four hours later and work again. I miss being close to you and talking to you babe. I miss our walks on Sunday evening after dinner and watching comedy movies in Saturday's whilst baking cookies"

"I miss you baby" he whispered.

"Where has my girl gone?" his voice filled with hurt and you were disappointed in your self for the lack of attention you'd been paying to him.

"Here..." You said quietly, feeling your eyes begin to water. "She still here...I'm sorry for losing myself...I..i guess I wasn't managing well lately, I didn't do it the right way, but I've thought about it a lot and I think I know what I'm gonna do...I need to change a couple of things"

You turned around so that you were face to face and kissed his forehead, letting his lips linger there for a bit, "I love you so so much baby"

"I know..." he said quietly and wrapped his arms around you properly again, afraid to lose contact from you. And as he held you like that, you'd forgotten about all the bad things and everything seemed so calm and peaceful.

He was your rock and you were his, and together you were ready.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys

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