#18 Antoine Griezmann

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This is for @Saudah05. Thanks for requesting girl hope you enjoy it.

"Oh c'mon, Antoine...you look so adorable"

You had just got done styling his hair in a ridiculous way, he had lost a bet against you.

"No...I look completely stupid, take it all," he growls.

"Ah is little Toine mad that he lost a bet to his best friend?"

"Shut up Y/N"

He folded his arms over his chest.

"Oh he is! Little Toine is mad!"

You begin to laugh.

"Stop laughing, you're going to regret it"

Your eyes widen.

"Threats will get you nowhere, Antoine, remember that's how the bet began with..."

You continue to laugh.

"I said stop laughing Y/N"

You can tell he's getting really frustrated, but you don't stop.

"What are you going to do to me Antoine? you wouldn't dare hurt me would you?"

He shook his head no.

"Of course, I'd never hurt you but you need to stop laughing at me please"

As much as you wanted to stop, another look at his hair sent you laughing all over again.

"Y/N I said stop!"

But you don't. You hear a low growl and the next thing you know he's pressing you against the wall. You finally stop laughing because you realize that he was really mad.

Antoine was staring into your eyes even with his body language, saying he was angry but his eyes remained calm.

You realize how close hai face is to yours and you begin holding your breath. He had never been this close to you before.

"Don't hold your breath" Antoine says softly.

You slowly let it out through your name as he continues talking.

"Holding your breath can cause you to pass out..."

Your gaze drops to his lips.

"Y/N...I feel like...theres more than just friendship between us..."

Your eyes then meet with his eyes.

"I see how you are when I talk to other girls...and i'm just the same when you talk to other boys"

He slowly blinks and then fixes his eyes back onto yours. You were about to open your mouth to speak, but Antoine shakes his head no.

"I'm not done Y/N..."

So you keep quiet.

"I dont think you realize how much..."he clears his throat. "How much you mean to me Y/N you make me..."

He closes his eyes.

"It's okay, Toine, you can't tell me, you can tell me anything" you whisper.

He slowly opens his eyes.

"You make me feel like...I don't have to be afraid to myself with you...like I can be crazy and not feel like I'll scare you off"

You slightly smile.

"How can you've never said anything to me before Antoine?"

He let's out a long sigh.

"People often remain in the dark, not due to lack of light but failure to open their eyes..."

Antoine let's you go from the wall.

He looks at the ground nervously.

"I didn't want to ruin our friendship"

"It wouldn't have ruined, because I...I feel the exact same way" you admit.

His gaze then meets yours again.

"You do?"

You nod. He begins to smile. He slowly walks back towards you then grabs your hand.

"This feel...so right..." he whispers and you smile.

You mean your head against his chest and you heart begins to beat fast when Antoine starts speaking again.

"I dont know if it's too soon to say this but i love you Y/N"

You smile got bigger. He had said that to you before but now it had a new meaning altogether.

"I love you too Antoine"

Thanks for reading guy's.
Love ya guys 😙😘😚

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