#97 David Brooks

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For Haz_22 hope you enjoy 👇

"What if they dont like?" You asked David as he walked you into the Welsh training ground.

"Why wouldn't they, they'll love you don't worry," He assured me.

He led me into the training ground and began showing me the different pitches and the different facilities they had at the training grounds, it was amazing.

It was so huge, and had everything you could possibly imagine an athlete would need in it. I saw a huddle of guys approaching us and i began getting nervous.

My hands became clammy and my body became sweaty, I was so nervous, I don't think I've ever been so nervous in my entire life.

"Hey bro," said a tall blonde guy, hugging my brother and shaking my hand. "Hey," he said to me.

"That's my sister Y/N," said David introducing me to the tall guy that I found put was Aaron Ramsey.

"Nice to meet you," he said, looking him a calling over another guy.

He had long brown hair, with a messy look, light hazel eyes and he was wearing training gear, the same as my brothers and Aaron's.

"Hey, David" he said hugging my brother before reaching his hand out to shake mine. I felt a little tingle in my hand as he touched mine, something I've never felt before.

"And you must be his sister, right?" He asked me, smiling warmly.

"Yh I'm Y/N," I said returning the smile back towards him.

"Nice to meet you, beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said, now walking alongside me, my brother and Aaron walking ahead of us.

"Thank you," I blushed, looking down.

"I'm Ethan," he told me.

"Nice to meet you to Ethan," I said before looking up at him towering over me, since I'm into 5'4.

We walked side by side calmly for a little while before he began to speak.

"So I was wondeing if if could get your number," he asked scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"I....er sure, give me your phone," I said, typing in my number into his phone before handing it back to him.

"Erm thanks, I'll text you when I get done with training beautiful," he said, making me blush because he called me 'beautiful'. He jogged towards his teammates winking at me and joining the boys to begin the training.

I went and sat down near the benches and watched them warm up or should I say I watched 'him' warm up, he looked so hot, flexing, running, jogging.

But I don't know what my brother would think of this anyways.

I saw the boys pointing at me before pinching Ethans cheeks and teasing him. Nudging him in the shoulder and pushing him towards me like schoolgirls.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys

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