#56 Thibaut Courtois

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Hand in hand, you and Thibaut made your way through crowds of the amusement park.

"So, which ride?" you buzzed in excitement, squeezing his hand.

"Oh I erm.., I don't know" Thibaut stuttered in response causing your brows to lift. You ignored his stutter, believing it was nothing.

"Food, can we get some food first?" Thibaut asked, darting towards the food line and tugging you along.

His desperate pull made you laugh "you must be hungry"

Thibaut ignored you joke and bought two hotdogs "you know if we eat, we might be sick on the ride...eat slowly" you told him as if his mother as you two sat on a bench.

Thibaut let out a loud gulp, you weren't too sure if it was a nervous gulp or if he just swallowed a large amount of hotdog...

You rubbed his thigh with your spare hand, "don't worry, babe, it's least likely your going to be sick" you smiled.

He looked at you, but it didn't look as confident as usual, you began to wonder what was up.

Once all eaten, Thibaut dragged you to the toilet for a 'toilet break' but now you were in the line for the scariest ride there. You were too excited, you had waited this and this rollercoaster made you want to visit.

"I'm so so excited!" you squealed beside him, Thibaut was off, he kept on peering at the sides of the queue to see how far was left. You two were very close to the front.

"Are you okay?" you questioned in a soft voice, hand on his video to grab his attention. His head snapped in your direction, his eyes widened as if he saw a ghost he was clearly flustered.

"No, I'm good, all good" he stammered again as if panicking, you raises your eyebrows and crossed your arms, knowing fine well this was his state when something was definitely wrong.

"Babe..." you said sternly, he knew you knew.

He gave in. Thibaut dropped his hands and head in embarrassment, "Okay, fine I'm scared, Y/N I, I don't know, I've been dreading it all morning!"

You rubbed his arm again, comforting him "aww babe, really, I'm so sorry for barging you to take me... why take me?"

You rubbed his arm again, comforting him. "Aww Thibaut, really? I'm so sorry for barging you to take me...why take me?"

"I just wanted to see you happy, do something you wanted for once, I know you really wanted to come here" he mumbled.

"Babe, it's okay if your not happy, neither am I, we can turn around and just go home and cuddle, I'm okay with that..."

Thibaut cleared his throat as he realised you two were closer than you thought, next ride. He brought himself straight. "I can do it, I'm going to do this for you, beat my fear" he seemed so confident, you weren't too sure.

"You sure? you don't have to..." You warned him.

"Yh I'm positive" Thibaut replied as you two were gathered in a small crowd to climb onto the now empty rollercoaster.

Once all bucked, you intertwined your fingers with his ringed ones, you noticed they were slightly shaking.

The ride began to move causing Thibaut to wheeze slightly, "it's ok, I'm here, I love you" you whispered. Thibaut gave a weak smile, you knew this wasn't going to well.

The ride finished, your hair was all over due to dips, quick turns and loops. Your mood was ecstatic, you felt the adrenaline. Thibaut was behind you, walking as if he resurrected.

His hair was wild, causing you to laugh. You ruffled it, he just sniffles in return.

You grabbed his hand again "i'm so sorry, Thibaut, we should go home, let's just look at the photos, we can buy it as a magnet, o-or a key ring, anything" you started off, slow but began to buzz again with excitement.

You rushed to the desk with large screens behind, viewing all the photos from the ride. You looked at number 23, you and Thibaut.

Despite his heavy fear, he was actually smiling. You felt yourself grin as Thibaut was actually having fun. The photo revealed you two holding your locked hands in the hair and two smiled uncontrollably, how adorable.

You turned to show Thibaut but he sprinted at the exit, you followed behind to view vomit on the floor behind. You smirked "Oh baby"

He groaned, rubbing the corner of his mouth with his sleeve "i'll buy these photos and can we just fucking leave?" he sniggered.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😙😗😚
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