#72 David Luiz

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"Y/N," David whispers in your ear. You mumble something.

"Y/N" he whisper shouts.

"What" you mumble.

"I woke up becasue I heard a sound coming from outside" he said sounding scared.

"It's probably the neighbourhood cat," you say trying to ignore him and go to sleep.

"Pleaseeee" he pleads with puppy eyes, "i want to see what's making the noise!"

He knows you can't resist the puppy eyes, so you sigh and get out of bed, grabbing your ugg boots and a jacket and put them over your pajamas.

You walk through the hallway and down the stairs. You go across the living room and open the screen door, and step outside on the porch, shivering at the cold.

"See" you point, "Nothing David"

You walk back into the house, but David stops you by blocking your way.

"Come on, David, let me go inside!" you say getting annoyed since its two in the morning and you got barely any sleep.

"Grrr, ruff"

"David" you say quirking an eyebrow, "What did you do!"

"Why do you assume I did something" he exclaims.

"Grrr, ruff, ruff"

"You go find out what it is" you instruct him.

"Why me" he whines, disagreeing.

"Because, your the man!" you say in a 'duh tone.

He rolls his eyes and creeps over to where he sound was coming from. He goes behind a big tree bush.

He jumps and screams like a little girl, and jumps in your arms, with his arms around your neck, his face hidden in the crook of your neck, and his legs wrapped around your waist.

You roll your eyes and tap his shoulder to signal him to look.

His face, peeked out of your shoulder and he furrowed his eye brows as the growling got louder and closer.

As it got closer, David took out his phone and turned the flashlight on.

The monster revealed its shadow.

"OMG OMG ALIEN ABDUCTION" David screams. He hides back into the crook of your neck, but you just roll your eyes and chuckle.

"David baby" you say. "Its just a god damn puppy"

"What?!" he says surprised.

You burst out laughing and put David down, and go over to the bush to pick the puppy up.

"See" you say and show it to him.

The black husky puppy growls playfully and wags his tail.

David eyes the puppy, but then reaches put and takes it from me and snuggles it in his chest.

You giggle and walk back inside the house, with David following behind me, talked to the puppy baby-ish.

You climb in bed after taking off your ugg's and my jacket. David soon comes in with the puppy.

"His names is going to be David Jr" he says. You smile, and snuggle into David's chest and the puppy snuggles himself in between you and David.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😜😘🤩

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