#127 Rafinha Alcantra

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You woke up to Rafinha gently running his fingers through your hair, causing a sleep smile to find it's way to your face.

You rolled over so you were now facing your beautiful boyfriend. He moves his hands to your cheeks, staring at you with so much love in his eyes, you thought you were going to melt.

"Good morning, sunshine," he whispers with a close lip smile.

"Good morning," You sleepily return.

You push yourself closer to Rafinha. He responds by wrapping his arms around your waist, and he pulls you impossibly closer. You nuzzle your face into his chest. He chuckles and moves his hand to your hair.

"I like it when you play with my hair," you mumble into his chest.

"I know, princess, i like it too," he chuckles. "By the way, your bed head is absolutely adorable. Your hair is everywhere, and it's a giant mess, but I absolutely adore it."

"Shut up, Rafinha, you dont even have any," you giggled.

"Hey there, grumpy girl, I was complimenting you, but you just hurt my feelings," he sniffles dramatically to be goofy and add emphasis to his previous statement.

"Fine, your bed head is very cute baby, even if you dont have any hair,"

"And?" he pushes further.

"And I really love it."

"That was fake but I'll take it."

"I love you," you chuckle, but you sincerely mean those three words, Rafinha knows that too.

Even though the two of you like to joke around with each other, the love is undeniable. Everyone around you can see the way you look at him and the way he reciprocates those looks.

They see the way your eyes sparkle when hes around. They see the smile on your face when he walks in the room. They see the way you hold onto him when you're watching a movie. They see the way you console him when he's had a bad day. They see the love.

"And I love you, babe," he smiles and kisses your head. "So, so much."

You smile and kiss his chest. He continuously brushes his fingers through your hair, or taming it as he would say, to which you respond by slapping his shoulder.

Your head moved to the crook of his neck, and his head rest gently against the top of yours. Your arm laid across his chest, and your hand drew patterns on his arm. His arm gripped onto your lower back, where he eventually began to rub.

"Can we stay like this forever?" He muttered into your hair.

"We can do whatever you want, Rafi, as long as you're with me, I'm happy."

"You're so cheesy."

"The one time I say something cute, you call me cheesy."

"I didnt say it wasnt cute."

"Yeah, you said it was cheesy."

"No, I said you were cheesy."

"I think I liked it better when you didnt talk," you muttered jokingly.

"Ah there she is, my beautiful grumly princess."

"I'm not grumpy, you're always teasing me,"

"No I'm not, I never said cheesy was a bad thing, I love cheese."

You slapped his shoulder and laughed.

"Atleast, I'm not as bad as you're horrible jokes."

"I happen to love those jokes Y/N."

"I know, you send them to me all the time, you goofball,"

"They make you laugh, do they not?"

"No, they do," you admit.

"See? That's why I send them to you, I love hearing you laugh, it's the most cutest thing in the world."

"I dont think so, you see I have this boyfriend, and when he laughs, it's like music to my ears."

"Is that so? This boyfriend of yours sounds like a cool guy."

"No, hes really not, he likes to think he is though."

Rafinha flipped you over, so you were now lying on the bed rather than him. He was in a push up position, hovering above you.

"Say that Rafinha is the coolest person in the world, or I'm going to tickle you." he muttered.

"Rafinha isn't cool, I cant lie," you giggle.

"You're gonna get it now princess."

With that, he moved his hands to your sides, and began to tickle you. You screamed and bellowed laughter.

"Rafinha, stop!" you tell through crackles.

"Not until you say that I'm the coolest person ever!" he fights back.

"I'm the coolest person ever!" you shout back in laughter, knowing that qasnt the answer he was looking for.

"Fine, two can play at that game, princess," he smiled.

He started tickling you even more, if that was possible. You laughed until tears were sliding down your face.

"Okay, ok Rafinha Alcantra is the coolest person ever! now get off before I pee on the bed!" you shout, attempting to calm yourself.

Rafinha laughed loudly and got off you. You sprinted to the bathroom immediately, still laughing. You could hear Rafinhas howling laughter from the add on bathroom in you bedroom.

Rafinha was still laughing when you walked back to the bed. You slapped him upside the head, though you were still giggling, as well.

"I cant believe you almost peed!" Rafinha shrieked, his laughter only getting louder.

"Shut up, it's your fault, idiot!"

"Aw, princess, dont be mad," he cooed and reached for your arm, still chuckling.

"You're mean," you pout.

"No, I'm not, baby you had that one coming."

"No I didnt, i was only telling the truth!" you groaned.

"Sure, babe, whatever you say, although I know a lot of people that think I'm cool," he proudly replies.

"Really who?"

"My teammates, my mum, me,"

"Well let's find out how they really feel, shall we?" You said reaching for the phone.

"Noo, babe noo..." he chuckles tackling me onto the bed.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys

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