#50 Phil Foden

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For -nathanwood
Hope you enjoy

It was a bright beautiful Saturday morning. The weather was hot and just the right temperature to go to the beach. You turned around in the bed and saw an empty spot next to you. Where is Phil? You asked yourself.

You got up, and as soon as you were completely straight you felt the cramps. Uh oh, mother nature just came to visit. You couldn't move any further as the cramps became more sore.

You lay down in bed and grabbed your phone to text Phil. You didn't even knew if he left or of he was just downstairs, but you texted him anyway.

Where are you? you send the text and minutes later, you got a reply.

On my way baby you read, you rolled around the bed because of the cramps. You felt so uncomfortable in every position you laid and the cramps just got worse.

More cramps, moaning about the pain and one broken TV remote later, Phil finally came in with a brown bag.

"Hey baby" he greets and kisses you on your head.

"Don't touch me!" you warned and curled up in a ball, Phil laughed at you and you gave him a stern look.

"If you laugh at me, I will break your leg!" you became more vicious.

"I love you Phil" you try to fight through the pain and irritation.

"I love you more babe, now I bought you some ice cream, chocolate, a teddy bear and tampons and...painkillers" he said and placed the items on the bed next to you. You slowly sit up and looked at him confused.

"How did you know?" you asked him, already, opening the chocolate bar.

"You usually don't text 'hell' in a text, so that gave me a hint, also because you seemed really angry " he smiled.

"Aaww thanks Phil, that really means a lot, and I am so sorry for changing mood the whole time, but that's just how it is and I can't control it and i-" Phil quieted you by placing his finger on your mouth.

"Shhh baby, I get it, I love you" he laid you down and turned on the TV and placed 'The fault in our stars' movies in the DVD player.

You cried at the happy parts and cried even harder on the sad parts. Your moods were so messed up but you were happy and Phil as here to make it go away.

Throughout the movie, you laid on your stomach and Phil rubbed your back. Perfect.

"Phil?" you asked, still sobbing a little bit.

"Yeah babe?" Phil smiled and looked at you.

"Thank you so much for being the perfect boyfriend, I don't know what I will do without you, probably die on my periods, but you will take care of me, I love you" you kissed him, still lying on your stomach.

Phil looked down at you and said "Anything for you Y/N and I will always be here for you even in your bad days and when you have missing and you wanna break my leg, I will still love you!" he kissed your back.

"Okay now shut up and watch the freaking movie!" you said as you placed your arm on Phil's stomach, making him sure that you are sorry for your mood swings again.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😙😗😚
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