#109 Joe Gomez No.2

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"Shouldn't you be sleeping yet?" Joe asks while entering your room.

You look up from the book you were reading and look at him. You remove the blankets from your blanket and get up so you can stand in front of him.

"Babe, what's wrong?" You ask, finally getting it of your chest.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm fine, I went to the gym." he replies, he's clearly confused by what you just asked.

You sigh, why doesn't he understand you?

"I mean whats wrong with us?" You say, finally catching his attention with that question.

He stops doing whatever he was doing and looks you straight in the eyes. A sigh leaves his lips and he walks over to the bed where you sat before you sat before you got up. You follow his lead and also sit down.

"I don't know...what do you think it wrong between us?" He asks, he's rubbing his eyes.

He clearly doesn't find this a pleasant subject, you neither, but it has to be said.

"The spark...it's gone, at least...I can't feel it anymore," you admit.

Tears are filling up in your eyes, You're just know that your assumptions are correct. The spark from the beginning seems gone. Since two months you had started noticing it. Of course you still loved him, but did he still love you.

"I don't want it to be gone," Joe says while grabbing your hand.

"Me neither, but something has changed between us."

So he still loves you, that was one thing. A thing that makes you feel a lot more comfortable.

"What are we going to do about it?" Joe asks. It makes you glad that he's willing to do something about it. You shrug your shoulders and the first tear start rolling down your cheek.

"Babe, don't cry please..." Joe whispers.

"I still love you Joe, and I don't want to lose you." You sob.

"I love you too, and I don't want to lose you too." You sob.

You cuddle deeper in his chest and feel his heart beating. He kisses your head multiple times and strokes your hair.

"The sparkle is still here for me, I can feel it, right here in my head, with you in my arms, my heart flutter every time I see, touch or kiss you, things might be hard right now but my love for you is still here, and I don't think it will ever go away."

As he says those words, you smile and kisses his lips. He right, things might be hard now, but your love for eachother is still here.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😍😘🤩

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