#31 Lionel Messi

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"I won't be long, I just need to try and find a gift for Amy" you told Leo as you both entered the shop.

You had left your house and you were currently shopping for a birthday present for your best friend with Leo, trying to be quick as a few paparazzi had spotted you.

"It's alright babe, take your time, were not in a rush" he smiled.

"If we don't hurry up and buy something we will end up stuck in this shop" you warned him, knowing it had happened before.

"I know what but that's alright as long as I'm with you" he smiled, cheekily and you shook your head at him, laughing.

"Why don't you get something for yourself while your here?" Leo suggested.

"I've come shopping for Bella not for myself, beside I feel rushed with them outside" you said referring to the now growing amount of paparazzi who had gatheres outside of the shop.

"Well it looks like we could be here for a while so shop for whatever, I don't mind" he continued and you sighed.

You look through the amount if stuff the shop had, trying to find something nice when you noticed Leo was no longer stood next to you.

You looked around, not seeing him anywhere when you suddenly heard a " I'm back" from behind you.

You turned around to see Leo with a cheeky smile on his face, a few shirts and other accessories in his hands.

"I went to the men's section, they have some great stuff there" he commented.

"Leo, we're not supposed to shop for ourselves" you laughed.

"I know that, but we might as well make good use of the time we have here" he said walking off again only to come back with some more clothes.

"I though you might like these " he said handing you some clothes which were surprisingly nice.

After finding a gift for your friend, you placed it onto the counter along with a ton of clothes Leo had picked up which hadn't even noticed he had before paying and leaving.

As soon as you left the shop, the paparazzi were asking questions, along with the screams of fans which Leo kindly waved at and said hello to.

"Y'N did Lionel just buy all of your clothes?" a paparazzi guy asked.

"Did you ask him to buy you some new clothes?" another one shouted.

"Hey she didn't ask for me to buy her any clothes, she insisted to pay for herself, don't judge her until you know her" Lionel shouted back, taking you slightly a back at the tone of his voice.

He gently took a hold of your hand and helped you through the small crowd as you both managed to get back to Leo's car to go home.

"You didnt have to say that, you could have ignored them" you said as soon as you were both in the car.

"Questions like that shouldn't be ignored, he shouldn't have said that, he doesn't know you" he stated angrily as he gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"I know and I'm grateful but you it's his job to ask those questions" you said.

You were grateful that he had stopped to defend you because it was really kind of him to do that when you genuinly wouldn't do that to him, but you didn't want him to be portrayed as a bad influence for shouting at the paparazzi.

"Why are you defending them?" Leo asked calmly.

"I just don't want this to be all over the newspapers by tomorrow and for you to be seen in bad light" You admitted.

"I was defending you, I'm sure most people won't see it like that even if it's written like that, I'm used to these things. Being put in newspapers and magazines by now and you don't have to worry about me" Leo sighed, taking a hold of your hand and squeezing it reassuringly.

"I know, but I can't help it sometimes" you said.

"Let's just forget about it now, yeah? I know you wouldn't use me for my money or the fame and you know it too, that's all that really matters is that we trust each other" he said looking at you with a smile while you were stopped at traffic lights and you nodded.

"I love you and I want you to know that I wouldn't do that to you, ever" you said genuinely.

"I know that and i love you too, more than you think" he sighed squeezing your hand gently.

You arrived home and he turned to look at you before you got out a smile.

"I will defend you because I love you and there's nothing you can do about that" he smirked, leaning in to kiss you gently.

You smiled, knowing that you had the best relationship you could have ever wanted to have.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😙😘😚

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