#120 Presnal Kimpembe

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Presnal was always one to wake up grumpy. I would stay in his guest room while we were getting to know each other, and in the morning I had to be extra nice. Anything otherwise would result in a termination of our friendship.

I lived an hour away from him, so I would get up and make breakfast in the morning. The very first time, he had begged me to make something for him while I was still in bed.

I learned from that mistake.

He would eat the food I made quietly, scrolling through Twitter, and Instagram on his phone until he was done.

By then he was usually in a better mood, even though he didn't really bother changing his clothes in the morning or fixing his hair. He was not a morning person.

I understood completely why he was angry in the morning. Everyone had flaws and as his friend, I had to accept that or hit the road..

But, over the year that we knew each other, we grew closer and closer, and one night, he finally told me how he felt. It was a relief to hear because I had been struggling to figure out the extent of my feelings for him. So we tried out dating for a while.

Honestly, it was so much better than before. For the first few weeks, he treated me to cute, well though out dates, and I felt completely infatuated with him.

I didn't have any idea how everything would work out between us, but one trip to his house answered that question.

It was the first time I was staying over at his house since we'd gotten together.

I pulled my overnight bag off the couch and towards the guest room out of habit. I began taking a few things out, feeling right at home.

"Y/N?" He spoke up. I glanced back at him, smiling.

"I'm thinking of making some lasagna for dinner," I answered, thinking that was what he was getting at.

"No...I..." i turned to meet his gaze, but his eyes only quickly fluttered away from mine.

"I wanted to ask you to sleep with me,' he finished and I watched his eyes widened as mine did the same.

"I mean, like sleep," he explained and I gave up on trying not to laugh. I let out a giggle before shoving everything back into my bag.

"Of course I will," I smiled, grinning even wider when took my hand and led me to his room. I put my bag down when he kissed me lightly and unexpectedly.

Our small, short pecks on the lips hadn't really meant more than 'i'm enjoying spending time' so the bigger stuff awaited us in the future.


After dinner, we were both filled and tired. Long days at work resulted in lots of ranting to each other about idiots and mutually agreed.

"I'm exhausted," he complained when I told him to do the dishes. I laughed, reminding him of our agreement.

"You said we'd switch out each time," I grinned pleased with myself. He furrowed his eyebrows switching off the water.

"Didn't I do it last time?" He wondered, and I snorted at his forgetfulness and low levels of sleep.

"Do you not remember what happened last time I was here?" I had been having a bad day that day, and that only increases when I dropped two of the glass plates and shattered them accidently.

He smiled at me, nodding as he remembered.

"Go jump in bed babe," he spoke, bumping my hip with his own as I stood at his side. I kissed his cheek, running to change into some comfortable pajamas.

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