#89 Neymar da Silva Santos No.3

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For Asmaay1999

Neymar spent most of the time of this week training and that's why I was looking forward to today because I finally had Neymar all to myself, and I'm not wasting a single moment of it.

I havent been feeling well lately, but i'm not gonna let that come in the way.

"Popcorn or ice cream?" He yelled from the kitchen.

"Erm, both..." I yell back and snuggle further into the fuzzy blanket.

"Cookie dough or choco" He tells again but I don't let him finish.

"Both..." I smile widely. Ben and Jerry ice cream is to die for.

"How did I know?" Neymar smirks as he joins me in the living room, carrying a bowl of popcorn and my ice cream.

"Because you're the best boyfriend in the whole world?" I ask him teasingly and grin up at him as he stands in front of me.

"Mhmm, you got that right" He bites his lips and hands me the ice cream tubs along with a spoon.

"Thanks" I smile and dig in.

''Anything for you" He said and pressed a kiss to my temple.

Neymar grabs the remote and pressed play and the frozen pictures starts to move again, showing a fat orange Garfiled stuffing his face. It was actually my idea to watch Garfield. I just love it.

Halfway into the movie, we both have finished our snacks and are now snuggles up against each other, covered by the blanket. My head rests on Neymar and my hand lazily draped across him.

My nose starts to tickle and mot five seconds after, I left out a squeak followed by a sneeze.

"Bless you"

"Thank you"

I rest my head against his chest, only to jump because of another sneeze. I sit up and Neymar wraps an arm around me, pulling me closer.

"Bless you again" Neymar chuckles.

"Thanks I..." I get cut off by another sneeze.

"Whoa there, be careful He lets out another chuckle and rubs my back.

"I'm trying" I said a small grin tugging at the corners of my lips.

I snuggle further into him, my head resting on his chest. He tightens his grip around me and I can feel my eyelids getting heavier with every second passing by.

"Y/N, baby wake up" a soothing voice whispers in my wars and rubs my back.

I just groan and bury my face in Neymars shirt. For at least 5 minutes nothing happened, and then something started poking my side.

"Unicorns are dying what!!" is the first thing that leaves my mouth after being woken up all of a sudden.

I wake up to see Neymar laughing his ass off.

"Why'd you wake me up?"

"No, no sorry babe, I just was having a dream, and...." He grins and shakes his head.

"Yeah, yh whatever" I murmur and wrap my arms around his torso tightly.

"Let's get you to bed, honey" Neyamar kisses my forehead and carries me bridal style to our shared bedroom.

Currently its 3am and what do people do at 3 am? Sleep obviously. Not me though. I'm hunched over the toilet at 3 am puking their guts out.

"Baby?" Neymars feels voice is even deeper than usually, due to just waking up. Great, I woke him up.

"Are you in there?"

"No..." I reaping and quickly wipe my mouth.

"Are you okay? i'm gonna come in now, kitten" He announces.

"No...I mean yh I'm okay, but you don't need to..." and I throw up again.

The door opens rushed footsteps approach me. Neymars kneeling down next to me holding my hair up.

"It's ok baby" He assures me.

Once I've thrown up everything I've ever had in my stomach I'm left with a horrendous taste in my mouth.

"I don't feel so good" I whine once I turned to face him.

"I know, love" Neymar gives me a pitiful smile and nods.

"My head hurts, my throats fry and tummy feels like shit...I feel like shit" I complain and rub my eyes.

"You wait here and I will get you some medicine, okay, will you be okay to wait for me?" He stands up and offers me his hand.

"Babe I'm sick not a idiot" I roll my eyes but smile.

"I know sorry" he hold his hands up in defence.

"It's ok" I smile and he quickly leaves the bathroom.

I turn to sink and brush my teeth, cleaning up.

I sit down on my side of the bed and wait for Neymar to come back upstairs.A minute later he joined me in the bedroom.

"So...I've got something for your headache something, that will make you feel less sick and some orange juice" He places the medicine down and kneels down in front of me.

"Thank you" I say as I take the pills and the juice.

"No need to thank me, I don't want my girl to be sick" he gets up and presses a kiss against my forehead.

"Your skin is burning, maybe a fever" He wonders out loud as he feels my forehead.

"But I'm cold" I wrap my arms around myself.

Neymar stands up and takes one of his sweaters our the dresser and walks back over to me.

"Hands up" He instructs as I obey.

He helps me change my sweater stained with all types of fluids.

"Let's sleep baby" He said as we walks over to his side of the bed and crawls under the blanket.

I crawl into the bed as well, joining him.

"Come here, love" He scoots closer to me wraps his arm around me and pulls me against his chest.

"No, you're gonna get sick" I put my hands on his chest and push him away, even though I want him close to me.

"I don't care baby, come here" He pulls me even closer to him and tightens his grip around me.

"I don't like being ill, it sucks" I murmur, already half sleep.

"Don't worry, love the doctor is here" he says smirking.

"I love you" he says and kissed my forehead and with his words echoing in my head, I forget about being sick and fall finally back sleep.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys

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