#3 Olivier Giroud

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"Get of me you whore!" he yelled angrily, and pushed you away from him."I dont wanna have to see your ugly face ever again!, I don't even know what I saw in you, you slut!?

"No, you can't be serious right now Olivier!" You said as you clutched his leather jacket. He pushed you away and walked out the door with his bags and suitcases.

You fell to the floor and held your chest. You're eyes were going red and puffy with all the crying you were doing.

"No!, No!, No!" you yell as you quickly sat up straight. You're whole body was shaking and was drenched in sweat.

"Y/N baby what's wrong? what happened?" you concerned boyfriend Olivier asked.

Still confuses you looked at your boyfriends face and touched it gently to make sure he was really there. "It's really you, Olivier?" you ask.

"Yeah babe what happened?" he hugged and pulled you onto his lap.

"I had a nightmare, you left me and called me a slut and just left...I thought it was real and that you were really gone babe" you cried out.

"What" Olivier faced you "Leave you? Y/N i would never do that. Ever! Just the though terrifies me babe" he assured you and kissed your cheek while rubbing your back. "Please believe me" he said now staring deeply into your eyes.

You grabbed his face gently, cupped his face  and kissed him roughly and hard." I. Believe. You." You said in between kisses.

"I. Love .You." Olivier copied your actions making sure to kiss every part of your face gently.

"I love you to Mr Giroud" you smiled and wiped away his tears as well as yours.

"Now let's go back to sleep shall we?" he asked as he laid you down and held you close to his chest.

"We shall" you giggled and placed you head on his chest hearing his steady heartbeat.

The rest of the night you felt safe and assured, protectivly wrapped in your man's arm securely. You knew he wouldn't leave you, but the nightmare was horrificly terrifying.

Guys Please let me know your requests if you have any. Love ya 😜😘😜😘

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