#73 Ethan Ampadu

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"Y/N, wake up!" someone whispered in your ear in a hushed tone.

You groan and roll over, snuggling into the sheets. You hear someone chuckle, then the bed sips and someone pulls you close to the closet.

You bury your face deeper and pull him closer.

"Hey Ethan" you say with your eyes still closed.

"Hey princess," he replies, "You have to get up, its our 1 year anniversary and I have something for you"

You moan in annoyance and open your eyes to look at him.

"Cuddles first" you said, trying to convince him.

Ethan chuckles and sits up to put you on his lap.

You lean onto his bare chest and breathe in his minty fresh scent.

"Love you baby" he says kissing your temple.

"Yeah, yeh I love you too, now shut up and cuddle with me"

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys

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