#42 Paul Pogba No.2

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For girlgroupuniverse
Hope you enjoy

"Y/N" you heard Paul's voice screaming through the phone. His voice was angry, frustrated and concerned.

"Where the hell are you? I'm so mad at you right now!" he was getting more and more inpatient by the moment, you knew it.

"Paul i" you hiccupped, "Umm, I'm at this...this random club?" Your voice sounded like a question and your voice was slurred. You giggled for no reason.

"I swear to god, Y/N tell me where you are and who you're with or I'll find you myself" he said in an irritated voice.

"Uh I'm with this nice guy named Tom at Club eight" you glanced at Tom and smiled at him lopsidedly.

"What the hell Y/N? I tell you to go and spend some time with your friends and start hanging out with random guys?" he exclaimed. His voice sounded envious, worried and impatient.

"Bye, Mr. Grumpy you're annoying me" you slurred and then hung up.

"Who was that?" Tom asked kindly. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light.

"My boyfriend!" you said video My before bursting into laughter.

Tom's face dropped, but you decided to ignore that. He looked at you skeptically before he asked "So, in for another shot?"

You nodded enthusiastically. You felt giddy and carefree. The bartender put the vodka shot in front of you and raised his eyebrows as if silently challenging you to drink it.

You smirked and then picked it up. In a few second, you slammed the empty shot glass on the table and gave the bartender a smug look. You could hear Tom laughing at that.

Suddenly, you felt a hand around your waist, yanking it. You turned to look at a furious Paul standing there. His jaw clenched and his fist were balled.

"Come on, Y/N" he said angrily.

"Wait, who the hell are you?" Tom questioned, trying to be brave, but he looked rather intimidated.

"Her boyfriend" Paul seethed before pulling you towards him. He pulled you out of the club and then pushed you into the car.

He entered moments later and after sitting down, he pulled on his hair "God you're so fucking immature, you're such an idiot, I told you to go hang out with your friends and here you are in a mother fucking random club with guys eyeing you!" he ranted.

"I'll never let you leave the house again, I don't even know how someone can be that stupid, you're useless! Do you know what could have happened if I hadn't come?"

Your eyes welled with tears and his face immediately softened " Oh..no,no,no baby don't cry, I was just...ugh I was just really worries about you, you were in a club late at night with weird guys, I'm sorry"

He pulled you to his chest and rubbed your back soothingly, telling you that he was sorry.

You pulled away, "I was here with my friends and jsut got separated, I dunno where they went, i saw that this nice guy wanted to talk to me and I was alone so I guess I talked go him and then got drunk, I'm sorry" you sniffed.

"It's fine, love just don't do this again" he asked softly and you just nodded.

You woke up in someone's arm. You realized it was Paul because of his cologne. You arms were weakly draped around his neck and his strong, arms were holding you. Your nose was slightly brushing his Adams Apple. He was walking up the stairs.

You heard a door open and then, he gently lay you down on the bed.

"Sorry for shouting at you, love I'm just so in love with you and got really jelouse. The idea of you with other guys makes me sick. I don't want to lose you to other guys" he whispered.You felt a soft pair of lips kissing your head, lingering there for a second.

When he pulled away, you wrapped your arms around his neck and crashes your lips against his. You both kisses passionately. Your body felt like it was on fire with deep desire for him. He chuckles into your mouth "you're awake princess"

You pulled away "Yes,yes I am and I love you too baby" you smiled and pulled him in bed with you.

Thanks for reading
Love ya guys 😙😗😚
Hope you enjoyed it

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