#12 David De Gea

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"Would you rather go on a date with Paul or Jesse?"David your boyfriend of 3 years asked you.
"What kind of question is that babe, I wouldn't want to go on a date with either" you reply kissing his bare chest in which you were resting your head on.
"Good answer" he chuckled bringing you even closer to him.

"My turn, would you rather never eat ice cream ever again or quit football?" He replies after a long 5 minutes of deep thinking. "I think I'd give up ice cream, at least I'll stay in shape eh?"

"Alright" you laugh

"Okay uhmm, would you rather be a famous celebrity but someone who doesnt have any family or loved ones or a cleaner who doesnt warm much but has a family and loved ones?" he asks.

"Be a cleaner, I think love is more important then money"
"Yeah your right baby one day we'll have our own family" he mumbles extremely quietly.

"Yeah one day babe. Just imagine it. Us having our own kids, they'll be adorable" you say smiling at the thought of it.

You could really picture yourself and David having a perfect family. Sure there would be arguments every now and then but you'd pull through.

"Of course they will, I mean with you as the mum babe" he whispers and gives you a soft peck on the cheek.
"They'll be great footballers like their dad babe and they'll love sports as much as you do" you continue.

"Of course they'll play football all the time babe"

"Sure will do and if we have a beautiful baby girl she will surely be cute, funny and extremely smart like her mummy"

"Yeah" you sight in content, happily.

"David?" you say breaking the silence.


"Do you really want that with me?"

"You mean a family?"


"Of course I do babe, I couldn't imagine my future with someone other then you"

"I love you David" you whispered and cuddled into his neck.

"I love you too" he replied whilst kissing you forehead and wrapping his arm around your waist securely.

Thanks for reading guy's.
Love you guys 😘😘😘

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