He is not okay. He looks and sounds like not himself.

And the worse part is, I don't know what to do. I am so bad at words. I don't want to pressure him into telling me stuff he doesn't want to talk about.

But I had no choice.

"Why would I think you'd hurt me?"

Hendery looked away from me after that question.

"Just tell me," I said gently. "Is it... is it because I'm the Avatar?" My heart felt like it skipped a beat after saying that.

At that statement, Hendery's eyes widened in shock.

"Hendery, come on. You saw me waterbending...when I helped Jaemin."

"Juli— I—"

I never wanted to be the princess, or the Avatar.

I didn't know that there was supposed to be only one who can control all of the four elements. I didn't know what being the lost princess of the Fire Nation means. I didn't know a terrible crime that I had, or my family had committed, and I have to be punished for it.

Hendery froze at my words.

I breathed in, "I didn't know so much thing, and I still don't know so much."

"I'm so sorry, Juli."

"What are you apologizing for??"

Hendery rubbed his face, then his head in frustration.

"Did you know that the monsters were coming?"

"No, no." He mumbled. "Why would I know that?"

"Did you... let them in here?"

Hendery's head jolted back from his palms and he looked at me like I was mad.

"Hendery... Taeyong sensed the same dark energy on you that Ms. Daisy had when she was being controlled."

"Juli, I beg you, you need to stop this now!" Hendery said in panic.

"Why?? I'm trying to help you here!"

"You're not aware of what you're actually doing right now." He said and his eyes started to water. "I'm scared of what she's going to do if anyone finds out." He whispered as his lips were shaking.

So Taeyong was right.

He is the dark witch's puppet.

I took his hand and squeezed it, hoping somehow it would make him relaxed a bit.

"Taeyong broke your connection with her while Lucas was treating you, temporarily. It will wear off in the next couple of hours." I said.

Hendery's breath became steadier.

"It's okay now," I wiped his fallen tears from his cheeks. "We're alone here, for now."

"I'm so sorry." Hendery pulled me into a hug.

I was frozen, I couldn't move.

I patted his back trying to calm him down.

"I swear I didn't know that she would send the two monsters." He said. "I swear, please believe me."

"Shh... I do, Hendery. And I believe," I pulled away and cupped his cheek. "You will never hurt me. But you have to tell me what's going on, who is that dark witch?"

"She isn't happy about the attack." He said. "I can feel that more is about to come."

"What do you mean?"

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