Chapter 16: Welcome to the Real World, Jackass

Start from the beginning

I take a deep breathe, "Av, don't do that. Just don't", I say pointing at her. I walk away pissed she used that against me. She doesn't know how deep my mother cuts into me.

"Rach, I'm sorry I know you don't have the best relationship with her. I didn't mean it like that."

I regain my composure and sigh, "I know you didn't. Look it was a shitty thing to do, but you have to trust me when I say I would never get you in trouble or hurt you."

"I know you wouldn't, and that's why I lo-",she pauses. "That's why I like you so much much."

I walk up close to her and kiss her, "Wow I think we just survived our first fight as a couple."

She holds on to my arm, "No more please. I just hated that."

"I did too. I promise no more bullshit. I read and it says if I get one more write up they could terminate my employment. While I can't stand Abner and want to see her suffer, I love working with you", I assure her.

She smiles forms on her lips, "I love working with you too."

"You know since we got into an argument, I think it's only right if we have make up sex tonight to make up properly."

Avery bites her lip, "I like the way you think.""Come on lets get back before I become a delinquent like you"

I push her, "you ass."


Avery's POV

"She's already told her off, insulted her, and tried to destroy her town hall meeting. We're not even half way done with our internship."

"That's my bitch!", Olivia says laughing.

Rachel takes a bow and laughs.

"Don't enourage her bad behavior", I tell Olivia.

"Sorry Avery", she says as she looks at Rachel and high fives her. "So what's your next play?"

Rachel thinks for a second, "I'm going to be the model intern. This job is kind of paying my bills right now. If I get fired I'll have to slum it at the ole law firm, or find a rich sugar mama."

"Not funny", I say shoving her.

"I still think you're going to do some more damage. You never back down", Olivia adds.

"Yeah I know, but I promised this one", Rachel says brushing her shoulder against mine.

Olivia gasps, "Are you whipped already Rachel?"

Rachel roll her eyes and I blush.

Rachel gets up from the booth,"I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

"Oh look at you running off", Olivia teases.Rachel sticks up her middle finger in return.

"Ok babe", I respond.

"Babe? aww I knew you guys would be so cute together", Olivia smiles. Within seconds however, she gets into serious mode. "So Avery eventually I have this talk with everyone Rachel dates. Since we're friends and I know how much you care about her I'll spare you the whole lecture. I'm guessing you've notice we're a package deal. So if you hurt her we're going to have a problem."

I laugh, "I would never." And that's totally the truth. I would never in a million years dream of hurting Rachel. I love her. "Olivia you know more than anyone how hard I worked to get her to finally see me outisde of being a friend. I would never mess this up."

"Good. Just making sure we're all on the same page...The last person that hurt her is still suffering", Olivia says as she takes a sip of her drink.



"What did you do?", I ask intrigued.

"I may have tipped off her parents that she's been engagging in illegal activity. Which actually isn't a lie, but sush that stays between us. Rachel doesn't need any reminders of her."

I put up my hands in defeat, "Remind me to never cross you."

"Can I ask a question? I know Rachel doesn't get along much with her mom. But besides her asking her to work for her, and the homophobic comments, is there any other reasons? Today when I brought her up she almost flipped on me."

"Yeah she told me about that incident. Don't mention her mom. It's the best way to kill her mood. She works her ass off everday trying to be nothing like her. Let's just say her mother was her first bully", Olivia advises.

"I'm back", Rachel says scooting back into the booth.

Olivia and I glance at each other.

"You don't have to stop taliking about me now that I'm back."

I furrow my eyebrow, "How did you know we were talking about you?"

"You just admitted it, and I'm me. How could you not?", Rachel says smiling.

"You're such a cocky bitch",  Olivia says shaking her head.

"I learned it from you."

I look over at my beautiful girlfriend and smile.
There's still so much I don't know about her, but I hope to learn.

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