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"So what we need to know is, do you know where the gate is?" Mike asked El as she laid on the couch with her head on Stephenies lap. El shook her head sideways and Lucas groaned in frustration "Then how do u know about the upside down" Lucas asked before Stephenie looked up and saw Dustin going back and forth with compass.

"Dustin?" She asked, getting the attention of Mike and Lucas

"Dustin what are you doing" Mike asks louder

"Dustin!" Lucas yelled finally getting his attention. Dustin turns to them "I need to see your compasses, all your compasses right now!" They all set there compasses on the table

"Whats so exiting about this?" Stephenie asked as they just stared at them

"The compasses, they are all facing north"


"That's not true north, the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west"

"So your saying the compasses are broken?" Mike asked still confused

"Do you know how this works, is there a battery pack on this"

"Cause it doesn't need one, it is drawn to the earths North Pole"

"So what's wrong with it" Stephenie asked, she never used a compass in her life

"That's what I couldn't figure out, but I remembered, you can change the direction a magnet because when if there's a more powerful magnetic field present the needle attracts to that and then I remembered what mr Clarke said. The gate would have so much power"

"Disrupted the magnetic field"


"meaning, if we follow the compass north"

"it should lead us to the gate"

As they walked up the hills in the forest, El was with Stephenie. Stephenie just looked down at her feet.
"Hurt?" El spoke suddenly and Stephenie looked towards her


"Nose" El asked, pointing to Stephenies nose

"Oh... uh it's nothing" Stephenie rubbed the bruise slightly

"Steph, friends don't lie" El told her. Stephenie sighed before turning to El.

"My brothers friends... knee to the nose and slapped"

"Mouth breathers" El said

Stephenie giggled "yeah, mouth breathers" After following a long railroad we came to a junk yard

"Oh no" Dustin said

"Oh no?"

"We're headed back home"

"And your just realizing this now?"

"Why is this all on me"

"Cause your the compass genius"

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