"I wish I had a different mother." Yuta mumbled.

Hearing him say that made my heart ache. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"You probably wonder why I fight like an airbender when I am not." He said. "My own mortal mother, agreed to send me to the bending world because she thought it was safer since there aren't monsters that will come to me."

That makes sense to me, what his mother did. "Have you ever wonder how hard it was for her?"

Yuta let out a sarcastic laugh, "no. She never even wanted me. She was too busy with her movie shoots, hence she never wanted to have a child."

"How about your father?"

Zeus. The lord of the sky, Heavens. King of Olympus. I wonder what it's like to have a really powerful parent like that.

"He might not be the greatest father, but he's always there for me, at least for most of the time." Yuta said.

Then there was silence. I leaned my head to the side of the tree, and watched Yuta.

Everyone had it rough. Who am I to complain about every little thing that I am not happy about.

"What is it like?" My voice came out as a faint whisper.

Yuta's gaze shifted from the fire to me.

I looked away from his eye, "what is it like to be a Half-Blood? To be the child of one of the Big Three?"

Yuta looked away at my question, "a pain. In the ass."

It was the first time Yuta used a normal swear word, instead of demigod swear words. I couldn't help it but to laugh.

Yuta smiled as he turned to watch me laugh. My laughter died as soon as I saw Yuta's soft smile. His face was half lit by the fire, and kept his stare at me.

"Is it true? that Air temples are so high that you need to fly or a flying bison to reach them?"

"Yeah. I had a flying bison once." He said, he sounded hurt.

"What happened?"

"I had to move to the institute, so I had to leave... him."

My heart ached hearing Yuta sounding so hurt. He must've loved his bison so much.

"What's his name?"

"Sora, he's a really big guy." Yuta smiled to himself. "You know, I feel so grateful for the things that have happened. If it were to be different, I would've ended up in Camp Half-Blood and would never meet Sora, and the 127."

I wish I could say the same,

"I've never had crazy pets, or even friends." I said.

"You'll love him when you meet him, he's really fluffy."

I grinned hearing Yuta sounding so sweet at talking about his flying bison. 

"How did you like it in the bending world? I wish I could visit one of the nations." I said.

"As much as I hate my mother for sending me there, I love the Air Nation. It's my home. I feel like I've always meant to be there. I spent most of my life there until four years ago, my father decided that it's best for me to train in the institute, and because he doesn't trust that witch to keep her peace with me around." Yuta said.

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