School Visit

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"Ok class. Today we have a person visiting each class. Go to the class that is your third period class." My homeroom teacher said in a monotone voice. She reminded me of the slug lady in Monsters Inc.

"Who is it?" A kid asked.

"It's a surprise." She said dryly. I got up and went to my robotics class with my favorite teacher, Mrs. Hansen.

"Hello everybody! I am very excited about the person visiting today. In the meantime while we are waiting for this person I would like you to work on your end of term projects." Mrs. Hansen said.

I went over to robotics locker and took out my robot. I have all the basics down but I just need to work on the thrusters. I noticed what could be a short circuit and fixed that. It is about two feet tall and it is really heavy. I hauled it over to the testing area.

"Ome, start the thrusters at 1% and gradually increase to 2% please." I told my AI that I connected to the robot. The robot did as it was told and all was smooth. I raised the thrusters to 5% and still no complications. I ordered Ome to set down the robot. I went over to Mrs. Hansen.

"May I borrow the extra first aid kit?" I asked.

"No explosions?" She asked. I may or may not be know for accidentally causing a few explosions.

"No explosions." I confirmed and she handed me the kit. I attached it to the robot.

"Ome, put thrusters at full capacity." I said and Ome did as I told him. I loud bang was heard when the robot hit the ceiling causing everyone to look up.

"Sorry." I shouted and picked up the robot. Luckily there wasn't a dent on its head. I decided to work on its parachute next. I gave the first aid kit back to Mrs. Hansen and went to work on the parachute.  I sent up to robot to see if the parachute worked.

"Ome, deploy the parachute once the thrusters reach 8%." I said. Everything was great and the parachute worked perfectly. That was until a gust came through the open windows sending the floating robot towards the welding machine that was left on by someone.

"Class! Sit in your seats. The special person is here." Mrs. Hansen called. Crap! I ran towards the fire extinguisher and sprayed it on the flaming parachute... well attempted to. I pointed it the wrong way and sprayed myself. I turned it around toward my robot.

"Mrs. Gonzalez I thought you said no explosions." Mrs. Hansen said with a slight smile on her face. I wiped the foam off my eyes and mouth.

"Not an explosion... just a fire." I said. Mrs. Hansen turned the whole board around and added another tally to 'Taylor's total of uses of the fire extinguisher' and I was currently up to five times this year.

"Here." Someone said and tossed me a towel. I wiped my face and saw the person who handed me the towel was Tony freaking Stark.

"Okay class. Mr. Stark will answer a few of your questions and then go look at your term projects individually." Mrs. Hansen said. Almost everyone raised their hands. Most of the question were about what it was like to be super rich and to have a ton of cool technology. Whereas I was asking actual engineering questions.

We were all sent back to work on our robots while Mr. Stark went around to everyone. I was starting to program when the parachute would be released when Mr. Stark came over.

"What are you working on?" He asked.

"It's a miniature robot that will soon be completely controlled by an AI except for the backup system that will carry medical supplies into war zones." I said.

"And the parachute?" He asked.

"I don't exactly have enough supplies for the thrusters to slowly lower back down and a parachute is the next easiest option. I will need to rethink the whole fire part of it." I said and we laughed.

"Can I see it go?" He asked. I beamed with pride as I brought it over to the testing area.

"Ome, put thrusters up to 8% and the deploy parachute." I instructed and the robot actually did not blow up or catch on fire. My face was pure shock.

"That's great!" Mr. Stark exclaimed. I picked up the robot and brought it back to my station.

"Thank you Mr. Stark." I said.

"What about gunfire?" He asked.

"Already got that. I'm going to use this type of material that is laced with titanium alloy andM steel alloy. I tested it at my home and not even a freshly sharpened knife can cut through it." I said proudly.

"That is remarkable for someone your age and with just these supplies!" Mr. Stark said in awe.

"Thank you." I said.

"Thank you for letting me look at this." Mr. Stark said and went over to my teacher.

*time skip*

"Hello students. Today one of you has received the honor to become an intern with Mr. Stark. I will hand off the microphone to him to announce who got it." Our principal said. Whispers ran amping the students.

"Hello. I'm going to get right to the point here. This student is a genius who, when given the right materials, can probably make and arc reactor from scratch without instructions. This student is... Taylor Gonzalez." Mr. Stark said. The teacher clapped a ton and only a few slow unenthusiastic claps were heard among the students.

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