Chapter 5: The Interview

Start from the beginning

I've always hated this question it's so vague. Like what do you want to know?  When I lost my virginity? If I've ever took LSD at Coachella? Be more specific.

"Well I'm 21 years old, and I'm a senior at USC. I'm currently the president of the Student Government Club, and I hope to attend law school after graduating."

The Chief of Staff nods and takes note of my answer."Ok, let me stop you there. Why law school?"

"Our justice system is broken and I want to help fix it. I believe attending law school will put me in the right direction to do just that. Senator Abner is actually the reason why I became interested in politics". It's surely not for a positive reason like they're thinking, but hry they don't need to know that right now. "Her stint as District Attorney was historic, and I think we need more powerful women like her in office."

One of the male staffers chimes in, "Well your grades are excellent so I don't see getting into law school being a problem for you."

I smile and thank him. We spend the rest of the time going over situational based questions, and them shoving how important confidentiality is down my throat.

Mia, the Chief of Staff stands up and extends her hand to me, "Well I think we have enough. Thank you so much for your time Ms. Taff . We have to finish up a few more interviews. So we'll be reaching out by phone or email in the next week or so."

I thank them for their consideration and exit the meeting room. Walking back to the lobby I see Nina. "Good luck Nicole, break a leg ", I smile and wink at her. She looks appalled by my comment. Serves her right though. Maybe next time she won't be such a bitch to a total stranger.

When I get back to Olivia's I FaceTime Avery to tell her how it went. Her interview is at 2:30, so hopefully these last few tips will help her out. Not that she needs it or anything, the girl is a genius.

She answers the phone smiling, "Hey Rach." I can only see the top half of her in the screen, but she's wearing a beautiful white blouse and burnt orange blazer.

"Hey, I just got out of my interview."

"And how did it go?", she asks with a bit of hesitation.

"It went well besides my outfit, and me almost throwing up from having to speak positively about Abner."

She giggles "That's future boss to you because I know they can't pass on you. And what's wrong with your outfit?"

I stand up and pull my blouse,"I look like I'm part of the Miami mafia with my loose blouse and slacks.

She laughs hysterically,"No you don't, you look nice. You could wear a trash bag and make it look great."

I smile back at her, "How can you be so annoying and yet so sweet at the same time?"

She sticks her tongue out at me.

"Well. I'll let you get going...Oh before we hang up,do you want to catch a movie tonight? We can talk about how you nailed the interview", I propose.

"Sure are Olivia and the others going?", she asks.

"No just us."

She looks down at the ground, "Oh. Umm sure."

"Is everything ok Av? It's ok if you don't want to", I don't know why she's acting so weird.

She runs her fingers through her hair, "No. It's nothing. I'll see you there."

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