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I took a seat at the dining room table and examined Caleb's appearance. "You look more refreshed than you did the last time I saw you."

His jaw ticked but he chose not to respond. I could tell he was struggling to figure out what I wanted from him.

I had seen it in his eyes back at the hotel. He had no idea who I was to him. I'd bet everything I own right now that he doesn't have a fucking clue about his blood-related family.

"Caleb, have you ever tried to locate your biological parents? Your mother? Father even?"

Caleb's brows dipped. "Sorry, come again?"

"Did you ever wonder who they were or where they were? Why they gave you up?" I softly asked him.

"How the—," he suddenly broke off in confusion. His features darkened as he sat straighter in his chair. "What the fuck is it any of your business who my parents are? Who are you?"

I retrieved the papers I had tucked away in the pocket of my suit jacket. "I'm your biological brother, Caleb." I slid the papers across the table towards him. "You and I share the same mother." I sat with an emotionless expression and silently studied his reaction.

His face hardened but he carefully snatched the papers off the table. His eyes moved over the paper and his brows rose in surprise. "How did you find her?" He questioned in disbelief. "I tried for two whole years to find her when I was tossed out to the street after turning eighteen. I broke into the main office of the orphanage in Paris, but all I could find was her name," he confessed.

He let out a frustrated sigh, "After I researched and achieved zilch except for dead ends, I eventually just gave up." His jaw clenched, and then he tossed the papers back on the table.

"There is so much you don't know, baby brother." I sighed.

"How do I know all of this is true?" He looked at me head-on. "How do I know that you are who you claim to be? That you're truly my brother and those papers aren't just bullshit?"

"I wasn't aware of your existence until a couple of months ago. Your father, I'm sorry to say, is the route of all evil. It's because of him that you were ripped away from our mother—me. Just tossed into that orphanage across the sea like garbage and left with nothing."

I sat back in my chair just as the help emerged from the kitchen, carrying out our dinner. I could smell the delicious aroma of the spicy shrimp scaloppini's creamy sauce as soon as it was placed in front of me.

"My father—your uncle, Ace Heart is who found the papers that you just read. I'll tell you all about that soon, but I wanted you to know, you're not alone anymore, Caleb. Now that I know I have a brother, you will always have me, your big brother, to have your back. I wish I had known sooner. I wish I had known you all along, but unfortunately, that's not the hand that was dealt. So, for now, I hope we can get to know one another and build our relationship from here on."

"Mr. Heart?" a soft voice called out. I glanced towards the entrance of the dining room and saw Samantha, our nanny, cradling my sweet baby girl, Angel.

I smiled. "Bring her to me," I called out. My heart melted watching her small hands moving from her blanket as Samantha brought her to me.

"I hope to get you better acquainted with all of my family, baby brother," I commented and smiled as Samantha placed Angel in my arms.


After my grandparent's wedding in Dante's hospital room, I came home to a cold and empty bed. Even though I was extremely upset and sad, I knew I had no right to be. Before I left, I had acted unreasonably and lashed out at Damien because of my insecurities. He didn't deserve that.

After I had Angel, I made myself believe that he might see me differently. I mean, I'm not the same size I was before my pregnancy and even though I have been working out in secret with Noah, I still haven't gotten the attention I hoped it would gain me.

Damien, my love has been extremely busy lately. Taking over a new and much larger family has been keeping him out much later than usual. I knew this would happen and even prepared myself for it. But still, I hadn't expected it to hurt as much as it did and make me feel this alone.

Yes, I have my daughter, whom I cherish with every being in my body. I thank God every day for her. But I miss him. I miss his gaze on my body. I miss the promise of passion in those dark green eyes. I miss his sensual kisses. I crave the smallest of his touches sparking a trail of heat through my veins, igniting such an intense wildfire inside of me.

I've confided my insecurities in Kaye, and she has only disputed them. Positive that it's just my insecurities conjuring all this shit up inside my head. It's so hard to convince myself now. Before I had Angel, he was all over me. Now, I'm lucky to even see him during the day.

I guess all I can do is let it all play out. As of right now, I'm still on the fence

*A Few Days Later*

"Mrs. Heart, I've been instructed by Mr. Heart to bring you to him," Matthew informed me once I became seated and comfortable in the back of a black SUV.

I nodded, not caring really. I'm sure it was just another meeting with the family again. I'm not a bit surprised. Damien has already expressed to me that he's been worried about Dante's men. I'm sure his insistence on keeping them all updated with everything, no matter how small, will only help. He must build trust.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath, suddenly remembering that I promised to meet Noah at our secret location this evening for another training session. He's not gonna be too happy that I'm canceling on him. He's been teaching me jiu-jitsu, but today he was supposed to pull out the guns so he can help me with my aim.

I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick message. I slipped the phone into my purse and glanced out the window just as Matthew pulled into a paved driveway.

I looked up and spotted a huge black iron gate that had 'Heart' spelled out along the middle. What in the hell? My brows dipped as I watched Matthew punch in a code.

The gates immediately opened. "Matthew, where are we?"

His eyes moved up to the rearview mirror, his expression was glowing with amusement. "You will see, ma'am," he chuckled.

I looked out the window and spot some of Damien's men positioned by the gate, assault rifles strapped around their bodies.

Matthew nodded his head towards them and continued driving down the paved driveway. I gazed out at the beautiful landscape.

I gasped the moment I saw Damien standing at the bottom of the stairs of a beautiful two-story mansion. It was simply gorgeous.

Matthew jumped from the car and quickly opened my door for me. Damien was already there, holding his hand out for me to take.

"Damien?" I whispered. "What's going on?"

His beautiful smile stole my breath away. It's been so long since I've seen that smile.

"Welcome home, baby girl."

I cupped my hand over my mouth, muffling the loud gasp. Welcome home? Oh my God, did this man buy this place for us?


Ok, guys, this isn't the juicy chapter. I'm just so afraid of how long the chapter would be so I figured I would put this out. It's a teaser and I know you all wanted an update.

I'm going to be working on the next chapter tomorrow so I hope to have the next chapter out by this weekend 😉

How did you guys like the chapter? Any questions or thoughts, tell me 💋💋

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