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Angel's small beautiful chocolate-colored eyes stare up at me as I cradled her in my arms

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Angel's small beautiful chocolate-colored eyes stare up at me as I cradled her in my arms. She's so small, I was afraid I would crush her when they had first handed her to me.

"Amazing, " I barely breathe out, completely enchanted by this small miracle who's staring back at me. I could actually feel that beating organ that's caged inside my chest, growing bigger by the second with pride and love for this little girl that I'm holding in my arms. I wonder what it is she's seeing when looking at me, I pondered to myself. 

"Angel," I smiled at her, gently rubbing her thick, dark-brown hair that covered her small head, twirling my finger around the small curls at the ends, and just studied everything about her. I could see so much of me and so much of Ray in her features. "Her eyes are breathtaking, " I thought aloud.

"She does have Ray's eyes," Kaye comments softly near the door.

I don't take my eyes off Angel's face, but I grin and nodded. "I know. It's crazy, right? Shit, Ray's eyes are what put me under her spell." I admitted, chuckling.

"Huh, is that right big guy?" she laughed. "That's funny, she's told me the same story about your eyes."

My grin widens. Ray does have this weird obsession with the color green so that certainly explains it.

"When is daddy Damien gonna give Auntie Kaye a turn to hold her beautiful niece?"

I pull my brows together and my lip raises in disgust. Oh hell no. The way she said daddy has ruled out Angel ever calling me that. It sounds way too inappropriate for my sweet Angel to say.

"I should disown you for that." I finally look up at her and raised a brow.

"For what?" she laughs.

"For ruining her ever calling me daddy." I cringed as I hear myself say it aloud. She busted out laughing which prompted me to laugh with her.

I slightly grin at her. "I think Ray should meet and hold her first. It killed me that she was put under and missed out on being able to hold her right after they got her out."

She softly nods. "Yeah, she's going to hate that too when she wakes up."

We hear a light knock that came from the door of the private room Nick had scored us while Ray slept the anesthesia off. The bastard Doctor who claimed he hadn't seen the umbilical cord around my daughter's neck is now indebted to us. Nick spared his miserable life but only if at any time we needed anything from him he's to deliver, no questions asked.

I was relieved when Nick acquired this small private room. I knew Ray needed a lot of rest after her surgery and I didn't want to disturb her. Plus, it gave me time all alone with my daughter.

Nick pops his head inside. "Sir, she's awake."

"Is she ok? God, I wanted to be there when she woke up." I complained, wrapping Angle's white blanket more securely around her to keep her warm. I had expected her to sleep for a few more hours but I'm not complaining. I'm eager to see her, and I'm sure she was more than ready to meet Angel.

HIS STORM | Book #3 | THE HEART SERIES | COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now