A/N from Mrs. Jones

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Hey you sexy bitches!

Sorry, guys, this isn't an update. But, don't worry, I'm working on that! 🤣🤣

Anyways, I just wanted to let my OG and NEW readers know where you can find me on social my social media pages!

My Instagram, Facebook, Inkitt and TikTok name is:

I do have a Facebook account as well. Now, if you guys still hang out on there, check my page out!


Ok, guys. So, I also have a fan account on Instagram and Wattpad for our Queen_Of_Desires book series, 'The London Crime King Series' just for fun!

I post sexy and amazing aesthetics made by myself and our Queen herself and much more on both media sites. So, if you're a huge fan too, be sure to follow. Join London's most dangerous, powerful, and for Christ's sake, the most mouthwatering Crime King's syndicate in all of London UK, and become one of his loyal "Suits" as well!!!😈

Account Name on Wattpad:
Account name on Instagram:
*******************************Now, on a side note, I just wanted to tell all of you beautiful sexy bushes how much I appreciated you all! Every fooking single one of you, including those silent readers as well!

Thank you all for all the reads, comments, and more importantly, those AMAZING VOTES!! You guys are the real MVPs!

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