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"Oh Damien, that's just terrible," Ray says as she squeezes my hand

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"Oh Damien, that's just terrible," Ray says as she squeezes my hand. "I remember you telling me she died from a car accident, I'm sorry to learn that she passed away like that."

"Yeah, it was heartbreaking to know that she died all alone and trapped in her vehicle. That night I sat in complete darkness in my room, mulling over everything that transpired from the moment Caine stepped foot in that restaurant," I admit, grinding my teeth in frustration, remembering the night so vividly, it felt like it was yesterday...

Over Four Years Ago—Why the fuck wasn't my father in that room with me when they told me she was dead? If he already knew, then why the fuck didn't he seem more upset, fucking torn from losing his beloved wife and his only son's mother in that hor...

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Over Four Years Ago—
Why the fuck wasn't my father in that room with me when they told me she was dead? If he already knew, then why the fuck didn't he seem more upset, fucking torn from losing his beloved wife and his only son's mother in that horrific accident?

This shit just isn't making any sense to me. He just let me go to a goddamn police station to have those fucking cops tell me that I've lost my mother and will never see her sweet face again. How fucking sadistic can that bastard be?

As the morning approaches, I watch the sunrise, slowly lighting up the New Orleans sky. I quickly get dressed and snatch my keys from the dresser, finally deciding that I need more information.

Standing motionless in the police station lobby, Chris walks over to me, "Hey Damien, is everything alright?"

"My mother's dead and I'm questioning everything that happened last night, so no Chris, everything is not fucking alright." I grit out through clenched teeth.

"Whoa, calm down Damien," he says, holding his hands up, cautiously looking at me with a concerned expression, but I'm far past the point of calming the fuck down.

"I need answers, right fucking NOW!" I bark.

He flinches, taking a couple of steps back. "Ok, Damien. I can do that. Ask what you need to, and I'll try to answer them for you."

I take a deep breath before calmly asking him, "Did Caine already know that my mother was dead before you sent those uniforms to get me?"

"Yes. Once we received the official corners report, the captain called your father and asked for his location so we could stop by because something had happened. It's also the station's policy for us to do a next of kin notification in person if we're able." Chris begins.

HIS STORM | Book #3 | THE HEART SERIES | COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now