2p Hetalia + Reader -Part 2-

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Alfred didn't normally hang around everyone at one time, but it was lunch time now, and they were all sitting together because they couldn't leave the school and there weren't very many other people he could spend time with. Besides they were all playing video games, so it was just a little more bearable. All and all, it was a pretty standard weekend.

Well, at least it was just a normal weekend until Ivan's sisters and their friends ran into the room looking panicked and out of breath. Ivan paused the game before asking them, "What is bothering older and younger sister?"

Elizabeta rubbed her forehead. "So, we were just in town, and-"




Ludwig slammed his fist on the table, getting everyone to shut up. "Continue please."

"We were just going to garden in the courtyard, but we started getting pulled back by the forcefield, so we had to go where it kept us, which was in town. We just got back from town."

Arthur frowned. "That can't be good. That shouldn't even be possible."

Feliciano tilted to the side. "Why is that bad? It's nice that the bellas got to go into town. I'm jealous."

His brother rolled his eyes. "It means that someone found the mirrors in the basement, idiota."


(Y/n) set the four hand mirrors down on her desk and began starting on her homework that she had to catch up on. After cleaning everything in the basement except for the large mirrors where she might accidentally catch someone changing, she got the okay to finally stop working and get back to her work. But that's when Katya and Julia wanted to go out into town, along with Katya's sister Anastasia and another girl named Ming Yue who really seemed like she'd rather be in her room. (Y/n) figured she had Sunday to do her work, so why not?

A few hours later, she finally finished it all and pulled out one of the books she'd taken from the basement. It was a book of basic offensive and defensive spells. Since she wasn't going to risk accidentally breaking something in her room, she began learning the simple shield spells.

"Hey, Ming?" a younger boy's voice asked from the simple black mirror on the desk.

"What do you want Jin?"

"Is it true that someone cleaned your mirror and took you into town?"

"Yeah. So what? She can't lug yours around town, so don't think about asking her."

"Well, I wanted to know if I could talk to her, and I know you the best out of all the girls, so..."

"Fine, go ahead. It's... somewhere around here."

(Y/n) picked up the mirror. "If it helps, I'm looking at a corner."

She heard the sound of footsteps, then finally a boy only a couple years younger than her gazed down and smiled. "Hi, I'm Jin! It's nice to meet you!"

"Hi Jin. I'm (Y/n)."

"Jin, if you're gonna talk, get out of my room."

"Oh, sorry!" He ran out of the room and closed the door behind him before looking down again. "She's always like that, so don't take it too personally if she's snippy with you."

"Yeah, I figured. Why did you want to talk to me though?"

"Oh, is it a bad time right now?"

"No, not at all, I just finished my homework. I'm just curious."

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